Philippine Navy takes delivery of new Robert Allan designed tug duo

YT 027 Philippine Navy harbor tug

Josefa Slipways Inc., Sual, Philippines, has delivered the first two Robert Allan Ltd. design tugs to be built for the Philippine Navy. Designed to provide support to the navy’s surface fleet. They are the YT 027. a RAmparts 2700 harbor tug, and the AT 010, a RAmparts 3000-W ocean tug.

YT 027 Philippine Navy harbor tug [Photo Robert Allan Ltd\

The YT 027 harbor tug has a length of 27.6 meters and beam of 19 meters, while the AT 010 ocean tug has a length of 30.25 meters and beam of 11.75 meters.


Tugs and Salvage Vessel News Roundup | June 18 – Harbour tugs for UK, Chinese and Greek owners plus naval support vessels for US and Philippines

Deliveries include a harbour tug for a Greek towage provider and two support tugs for the Philippine Navy. The US Navy formally names a new salvage ship. Construction starts in China on a vessel for a local owner. Finally, a UK harbour authority places a newbuilding order. Greece’s Seagate welcomes new tug to fleet Greek […]

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