Danish ports offers COVID-19 vaccines

Danish and foreign seafarers often spend months at sea, and it can be challenging to get vaccine schedules to line up with long periods of seagoing service. Furthermore, many seafarers come from countries where there is no easy access to vaccines.

Therefore, a large number of seafarers have not been vaccinated against COVID-19.

But in the future, this will be a little easier. The Danish government has just decided to establish a scheme that will enable everyone, including foreign nationals on...


How do crew changes work?

The UK Club has been working with over 200 members of our correspondents network to produce a comprehensive document that outlines challenges and changes for crew changes in ports.

The document is structured to answer 4 simple questions:
  1. Are routine crew changes permitted in your port?
  2. If they are allowed, are there any restrictions in do so? (e.g. Mandatory COVID-19 tests, quarantine requirements etc.).
  3. Are crewmembers that are either sick or injured permitted to be disembarked in your port?


Funding for Green Port Project MAGPIE

An international alliance of 45 companies, knowledge institutes and port authorities, headed by the Port of Rotterdam Authority, has been awarded nearly € 25 million in EU funding, reports drycargomag.

Sustainable And Smart Logistics

The consortium will be using this grant to execute 10 pilot projects and demonstration projects that focus on sustainable and smart logistics in port operations. In the years ahead, the transport sector is expected to transition to clean power. At this moment it is...


Weekly Maritime Security Report- Week 8, 2019

  • Pirates attempted to board underway container ship off the coast of Brass on 21 February.
  • Brazil authorities seized 680 kg of cocaine at Santos port on 19 February.
  • Dominican Republic authorities seized 91 kg of cocaine at Caucedo port on 24 February.
  • Navy seized 630 kg of cocaine off the coast of Sinaloa on 18 February.
  • Netherlands Customs intercepted 90,000 bottles of vodka at Rotterdam port on 22 February.
  • United Arab Emirates authorities eased Qatar shipping ban on 20 February.
East Africa...


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