Building a smart warehouse no longer requires major investment

As warehouse efficiency, along with the streamlining of other processes, becomes a greater priority for retailers and logistics providers alike, the adoption of smart warehousing solutions is growing rapidly.

Warehouse automation isn’t new by any means, but a number of factors have escalated its adoption throughout the supply chain. Labor challenges over the last three years, for instance, have pinched the productivity and profitability of warehouses as the availability of labor remains low and...

‘Deep deficit in supply chain automation’ harming companies

Despite heightened attention and interest in automation, there remains a “deep deficit” when it comes to the supply chain, and many managers lack software experience, making technology adoption difficult.

That is one of the findings from an analysis of 182 open U.S.-based supply chain job postings on by cloud-based integration platform Cleo.

“These findings clearly point to a deep deficit in supply chain automation at a time when companies can least afford it. Software technology,...

‘Roboconomy’ infiltrates GXO Logistics facilities

One year ago, in an interview with Modern Shipper, Mark Manduca, chief investment officer for GXO Logistics, said that 100% of the company’s contracts signed in Q3 2021 included some type of automation.

This November, those early automation gains are starting to show themselves. On Tuesday, GXO (NYSE: GXO) announced that by the end of this year, it will have increased automation use in its facilities by more than 50% over 2021, with approximately 7,600 pieces of technology operational at...

5 biggest fulfillment challenges for e-commerce brands

fulfillment packages delivery

The global e-commerce market is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 14.7% over the next five years — while not quite matching the explosive growth we saw at the start of the pandemic, that’s still a healthy level.

But with all of that growth, e-commerce brands are struggling to keep up. As many brands discovered, setting up websites to take online orders is only half the battle. Actually delivering those orders to customers is an entirely separate endeavor.

Fulfillment has...

Check Call: Data never lies with Arrive Logistics

brokers gathered around computers in Halloween Costumes

On this week’s episode of Check Call, Alex Schwarm, chief innovation officer at Arrive Logistics, joins FreightWaves host Mary O’Connell to dive into all things tech innovation and integration.

Key quotes from Schwarm:

“The first thing is to define the problem that you’re trying to solve. You have to have a very clear definition of that. It can’t be well, I want to have a better prediction or I want to have some model that does something. It’s about defining the business problem because once...

How automating check calls gave Eldon Frieghways’ dispatchers’ time back

Trucking has long been an accessible industry, but this is a mixed blessing. 

While a lower barrier to entry allows more people to have a shot at success, it also means companies must go above and beyond to gain and keep customers. The more trucks and drivers a company adds, the higher customer standards become.

Earning customer approval isn’t just accomplished with on-time delivery, however. Communication and the ability to problem solve are the bedrock of carrier-customer trust.


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