Shell to use AI to improve operational performance

Shell broadened its work with Microsoft to drive efficiencies across the company from drilling and extraction to employee empowerment and collaboration, as well as safety for its retail customers and employees.

Shell selected C3 IoT with Microsoft Azure as its artificial intelligence (AI) platform to enable digital transformation. Shell will replicate AI and machine learning applications across its upstream and downstream businesses.

Judson Althoff, executive vice president of Microsoft’s...

How to survive in the automation skills market 

Work landscape is shifting from human-centric to machine-centric in almos every industry, as long as disruptive technologies are changing the world. Are robots, therefore, poised to replace workers in 2020 and beyond? And if yes, which is the skillset needed to take advantage of that shifting landscape of work?

According to a recent PwC research, new technologies threaten around 40% of existing US jobs, and two-thirds of jobs in the developing world.

8 Skills to survive the automation skills...

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