Ballast Maintenance and Operation Protocol

Credit: ConocoPhilips

A Britannia Pandi news source deals with Ballast operation and maintenance practice.

Ballast operation

The Club has seen several pollution incidents involving the accidental transfer of cargo into an adjacent ballast water tank. The main causes are pitting or corrosion of cargo tanks which results in cargo being flushed out during ballast water operations. These incidents have highlighted the importance of crew awareness of ballast principles and best practices. In this...

Navigating Through The Challenges Of BWTS Retrofit

Credit: mika-baumeister- unsplash

A ballast water treatment system (BWTS) retrofit is not plain sailing. And proper planning with a trusted and reliable supplier onboard is essential to navigate technical, logistical and regulatory hurdles to achieve compliance, reports an article published on their website.

Detailed planning

As well as detailed planning, drydock capacity must usually be secured ahead of time for a BWTS retrofit that typically has an engineering lead time of six months prior to...

Commission testing is a ballast water system insurance policy, says MARITEC

Commission testing is a ballast water system insurance policy, says MARITEC

Maritec technicians taking ballast water samples …

While rules covering commission testing for newbuild ballast water system installations are due to enter into force in June 2022, independent testing facility Maritec believes shipowners should not be reluctant in carrying out further testing of a system they consider to have already passed stringent tests during the type-approval process.

Michael Haraldsson, Global...

Ballast Water Management Research Reveals Advantages Of Full-Flow Electro-Chlorination Systems

Ballast water management research

Leading ballast water management system manufacturer ERMA FIRST has published detailed research comparing the effectiveness of its full-flow electro-chlorination technology versus ultra-violet technologies as well as side-stream ballast water systems and systems without filters.

The research focuses particularly on the needs of the spot trading cargo fleet, which trades in a range of waters and is potentially subject to both US Coast Guard and IMO standards. According to the shipbroker Clarksons...

First Generation BWMS Cruises Need Urgent Upgradation

Passenger ships and cruise ships with non-US Coast Guard type-approved ballast water treatment systems or systems without waivers are upgrading or replacing units to continue trading in US waters, reports Riviera Maritime Media. 

New Ballast Water Contract

In this respect, French UV-based treatment specialist BIO-UV Group has secured a contract to retrofit a BIO-SEA ballast water management system to a cruise ship. Installation and commissioning will take place during the vessel’s scheduled...

Ballast Water Exchange and Management Plan – Everything You Wanted to Know

Ballast water has been an integral component of the ship’s stability since the steel-hulled vessels have been introduced. Whether or not the ship is at sea, ballast water is carried on all seagoing vessels big or small to maintain acceptable stability conditions. A good ballast water management plan is imperative for all ships.

Ballast water reduces stresses on the vessel’s hull, balances off for the weight lost due to consumption of water and fuel, provides better manoeuvrability with...

Σύμβαση Ballast Water Treatment: Επέκταση σε άνω του 90% του παγκόσμιου τονάζ

H Σύμβαση του Ballast Water Management (BWM) για την αποτροπή της εξάπλωσης δυνητικά διεισδυτικών υδρόβιων ειδών από πλοία καλύπτει πλέον περισσότερο από το 90% του παγκόσμιου τονάζ, μετά την προσθήκη από την Κίνα της Ειδικής Διοικητικής Περιοχής του Χονγκ Κονγκ.

Συνεπώς, τα πλοία υπό σημαία Χονγκ Κονγκ θα πρέπει να συμμορφώνονται με τις απαιτήσεις της Σύμβασης για τη Διαχείριση Θαλάσσιου Έρματος. Η εν λόγω σύμβαση στοχεύει στην προστασία των θαλάσσιων οικοσυστημάτων, απαιτώντας από τα πλοία να...

D2 Standard in Force, Declares the Final Ballast Treaty Amendments

Amendments to the IMO’s ballast convention covering the phase in of the switch from D1 to D2 treatment standards entered into force on 13 October 2019, writes Malcolm Latarche in his article published in the Ship Insight.

What’s in it?

The BWM Convention itself entered into force in 2017. The amendments formalise an implementation schedule to ensure ships manage their ballast water to meet the D2 standard aimed at ensuring that viable organisms are not released into new sea areas, and make...

Luminultra Highlights Need To Test For Ballast Water Organisms Of All Sizes

Ballast operation

Microbiological monitoring equipment pioneer LuminUltra has advised the shipping industry of the importance of testing all sizes of ballast water organisms identified by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.

More than 4000 species of organism are carried in ballast water, ranging in size and resilience to treatment, with the IMO having specified the type and size of organisms that ballast water management systems (BWMS) are required to...