Europe’s Ban on Russian Diesel Can Lead To Price Spike

Credit: Guillaume Périgois/ unsplash

Europe is scrambling to buy diesel fuel from Russia before a ban on imports comes into force in early February, but the frantic stockpiling is unlikely to prevent a new price shock for truckers, drivers and businesses. Since Russia’s invasion in February last year, the European Union has made a huge effort to wean itself off Moscow’s oil and natural gas supplies. That has included a ban on all Russian seaborne crude oil imports, which came into force in...

Disguising Whereabouts: Oil Tanker Masks Its Location !

Credit: Yuval Zukerman/ unsplash
  • A Russian oil tanker sought to disguise its whereabouts by using sanction-busting techniques.
  • Moscow-linked operators have acquired the means to blunt western oil export restrictions.
  • The findings were conducted  by non-governmental organization Global Fishing Watch.

GFW, which has monitored covert shipping as part of its work to safeguard fisheries, uncovered how the Kapitan Schemilkin, a 138m-long refined-fuel tanker, made two trips using concealing...

With EU Sanctions At Bay Russian Oil Logistics In Disarray

  • Russian oil logistics are in chaos.
  • Can the petroleum industry’s supply chain handle the harshest sanctions on Russian exports?
  • Traders, tanker companies are fixated on the question.

A vast shadow fleet of tankers with unknown owners is being amassed to service Moscow’s interests. Intense US-led diplomatic wrangling to soften aggressive European Union sanctions has been going on for months but time is ticking.

A Pre-hand Warning

The US has been sounding the alarm for months that Europe’s...

Cuts In Nord Stream Flows Raises European Gas Prices

TTF month-ahead price soars to close to Eur300/MWh.Nord Stream to close for three-day maintenance Aug 31.No let-up in European gas price strength, says an article published in S&P Global.

A Surge In Price

European gas prices surged on Aug. 22 following the announcement late Aug. 19 by Russia’s Gazprom that it would close the Nord Stream pipeline completely for three days of maintenance on Aug. 31.

Renewal Concerns

The TTF month-ahead price soared close to Eur300/MWh early Aug.22, reaching as high...