Clean Arctic Alliance: PPR 6 must focus on Arctic HFO ban

As the meeting of IMO’s Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 6) opens today in London, the Clean Arctic Alliance called on Member States to give emphasis to the target of establishing a ban on the use and carriage of heavy fuel oil by shipping in the Arctic.

Specifically, Dr Sian Prior, Lead Advisor to the Clean Arctic Alliance, mentioned that IMO member states must be focused on banning HFO in the Arctic, ‘especially in light of recent revelations from the IPCC on the urgent...

CSA 2020 advises not to single out scrubbers without scientific facts

The Clean Shipping Alliance (CSA) 2020 has called upon the global maritime industry not to single out scrubber wash waters when coastal states and port authorities adopt local regulations to lessen the impact of ship operations on their ports and harbours. Responding to reports that coastal states and ports are implementing rules that ‘restrict the discharge of wash waters’, CSA highlights that most ports and harbours already have discharge requirements which have been in place for years.


Crews still violate Indian ban on use of satellite phones

Following the Mumbai terror attacks in 2011, the Directorate General of Shipping (DGS) in India banned the use of “Thuraya, Iridium and other such satellite phones” in Indian waters. However, crew members continue to be penalized by Indian authorities for violating the ban, according to data provided by Gard P&I Club.

DGS circular 02/2012 bans the use of “Thuraya, Iridium and other such Satellite” phones, which appears to extend the ban to Inmarsat phones, although some port circulars appear to...

Singapore to ban open-loop scrubbers wash water discharge from 2020

MPA Singapore will ban the discharge of wash water from open-loop scrubbers, as from January 1, 2020. The ban is part of the MPA’s attempt to prepare the port ahead of the 2020 sulphur cap.

As Andrew Tan, Chief Executive Officer of the MPA, explained, this ban aims to protect the marine environment and ensure that the port waters are clean. Namely, vessels with hybrid scrubbers will need to change to close-loop scrubbers.

In order to facilitate the implementation of the ban, Singapore will...

Iran rules out claims of UAE cargo ban

An Iranian official has ruled out rumors of ban on cargo export from UAE to Iran due to pressures of US re-imposed sanctions.

“There is no prohibition, restriction or commodity separation between Iran and the UAE, export and import are in progress according to the previous procedures,” ILNA reported quoting Director General of the Port Division of Ports and Maritime Organization of Iran, Ravanbakhsh Behzadian as saying.

“The rumors have not been confirmed on the official Iranian customs website,...

Paris MoU inspection regime: What if things go wrong

BIMCO and the Paris Memorandum of Understanding of Port State Control (Paris MoU) have updated the pamphlet ‘The Inspection Regime on Paris MoU’. As more than 18.000 inspections take place on board foreign ships every year in the Paris MoU ports, the document provides guidance on how to prepare for inspections by PSC Officers, how to comply with regulations and how to avoid unnecessary problems when calling at a port in the region.

Best practices

The best way to ensure and succeed a port...

Will container trucks continue to roll through Ōrākei?

East Auckland leaders have renewed their campaign to ban container trucks from the port rolling through residential Ōrākei and other nearby suburbs.

Because of the “danger” they pose, container trucks should be prevented from using the residential route from the port to the container facility in Panmure, the Ōrākei Local Board says.

The board is pressuring Auckland Transport to prohibit the heavy vehicles from the route along Tamaki Drive, Kepa Rd, Kohimarama Rd and St Johns Rd unless their...

CITES bans Japan’s whaling in North Pacific

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has concluded that Japan’s whaling programme in the North Pacific is illegal.

Namely, Japan’s import and sale of sei whale products from its whaling programme in the North Pacific has been censured as illegal by CITES.

Sei whales are listed on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), meaning that international commercial trade in their...