Κόντρα στο ρεύμα η BofA – Υποστηρίζει πως έρχεται πτώση στις ευρωπαϊκές μετοχές (γραφήματα + πίνακας)

Bearish παραμένει η στάση της Bank of America για τις ευρωπαϊκές μετοχές, εκτιμώντας πως μόνο η μικρή κεφαλαιοποίηση θα μπορέσει να ξεχωρίσει θετικά. Σύμφωνα με τον αμερικανικό οίκο, «το consensus είναι επιφυλακτικό για την παγκόσμια ανάπτυξη, αλλά αναμένει ότι τα ευρωπαϊκά μακροοικονομικά στοιχεία και οι μετοχές θα παραμείνουν απρόσβλητα από την επιβράδυνση. Συμφωνούμε ότι τα παγκόσμια μακροοικονομικά θα πρέπει να εξασθενήσουν, αλλά αμφιβάλλουμε ότι οι μετοχές της ΕΕ μπορούν να αποσυνδεθούν,...


Συνέδριο BofA: Ζωηρό ενδιαφέρον για τις ελληνικές τράπεζες – Τι ρωτούν οι αναλυτές στο Λονδίνο

Ισχυρό επενδυτικό ενδιαφέρον συγκεντρώνουν οι ελληνικές τράπεζες στο τριήμερο συνέδριο της Bank of America που βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη και σήμερα στο Λονδίνο, γεγονός που επιβεβαιώνει την πλήρη ανάκαμψη του εγχώριου…

Συνέδριο BofA: Ζωηρό ενδιαφέρον για τις ελληνικές τράπεζες – Τι ρωτούν οι αναλυτές στο...


Ο Μπάφετ ξεπουλάει δύο από τις δημοφιλείς μετοχές – Τι σημαίνει αυτό για τις συνθήκες στην αγορά

Όταν ο άνθρωπος που έχτισε τη μεγαλύτερη περιουσία στην ιστορία από επενδύσεις – και του οποίου η προτιμώμενη περίοδος διακράτησης μετοχών είναι το «για πάντα» – «ξεφορτώνεται» με ταχείς ρυθμούς…

Ο Μπάφετ ξεπουλάει δύο από τις δημοφιλείς μετοχές – Τι σημαίνει αυτό για τις συνθήκες στην αγοράΗ...


Loaded and Rolling: Autonomous trucking startup TuSimple goes private

googletag.cmd.push(function() { var gptSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/21776187881/FW-Responsive-Main_Content-Slot1’, [[728, 90], [468, 60], [300, 100], [320, 50]], ‘div-gpt-ad-b1-i-fw-ad-1’).defineSizeMapping(gptSizeMaps.banner1).setCollapseEmptyDiv(true).addService(googletag.pubads());

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-b1-i-fw-ad-1’); });

Autonomous trucking startup TuSimple goes private

(Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

On Wednesday,...


Loaded and Rolling: Interview with Variant’s Josh Smith; Bank of America transportation outlook

Trucking and technology at scale: A look at Variant with Josh Smith

(Source: FreightWaves)

On Tuesday, Josh Smith, vice president at Variant and over-the-road operations at U.S. Xpress, spoke to FreightWaves about the Variant program and how technology and operations are vital to success in trucking.

During the interview, Smith highlighted the evolution of the Variant brand and how the organizational structure seeks to make life better for drivers on the road. Smith noted the Variant model is...


Big US Banks Gird For ‘Mild Recession’

Credits: Rubaitul Azad/ Unsplash
  • The biggest US bank, JPMorgan Chase, set aside $1.4 billion in fresh reserves in case of loan defaults, noting that its  “central” scenario is  “a mild recession”.
  • At Bank of America, profits came in at $6.9 billion, up two percent from a year ago on an 11 percent jump in revenues to $24.5 billion.
  • Wells Fargo reported a 50 percent drop in fourth-quarter earnings to $2.9 billion, due largely to a $3.3 billion hit related to regulatory problems.

Major US banks...


Banks wary of US import collapse, citing weak volume, China volatility

Shipping freight container

A pair of major banks are sounding the alarm on weak U.S. imports.

This week, analysts from J.P. Morgan and Bank of America warned that U.S. imports have declined in recent weeks. The main culprits include weaker U.S. consumer activity and strict lockdowns in China.

Bank of America noted imports “declined broadly,” particularly out of China. J.P. Morgan’s Europe equity team affirmed FreightWaves’ Tuesday analysis of inbound ocean containers, which found container imports dropped by more than 36%...


A major cause of inflation may have peaked; that’s good news for consumers but bad news for trucking companies 

A truck rolls down the highway. (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

Note these sobering statistics:

  • Truckload spot rates have fallen by nearly one-third since the start of the year, while truckload contract rates have risen. 
  • The spread between truckload spot and contract rates are near an all-time high. 
  • Spot rates always lead contract rates, usually by about three months. 
  • Shippers (firms that buy trucking capacity from trucking companies) buy most of their capacity in the truckload contract market, which means they have not seen a reduction in freight rates...


Large carriers still seeing strong demand midway through Q2

A white J.B. Hunt tractor pulling a white J.B. Hunt trailer

Appearing at Bank of America’s annual transportation conference, management from some of the nation’s biggest fleets said they haven’t seen any changes in customer demand since reporting first-quarter results a few weeks ago. Management teams acknowledged the sharp decline in spot market fundamentals at the event but said some of that has to do with the relative strength in contract rates, which is driving better adherence to routing guides.

Big carriers largely haul freight under contract, and...


Transport stocks fall out of favor as trucking market loosens

Schneider sees two-step rating downgrade at BofA.

Citing “waning demand and price dives,” Bank of America downgraded multiple transportation stocks on Friday. The ratings changes come as recent data points and commentary show trucking fundamentals have loosened following a year-and-a-half run of high freight demand accompanied by a lack of supply.

Tender rejections, a proxy for truck capacity tightness, remained very high entering the year but began declining notably in March, bucking normal seasonal trends. High-single-digit price inflation...
