Airbus, EU flag battery issue with parked aircraft

Yellow planes from Spirit Airlines parked at airport with engine covers because they are not being operated.

Add reduced battery capacity to the list of technical issues that airline maintenance staff should watch for in planes stored for long periods because the coronavirus has limited flying.

More than 30% of the global passenger jet fleet, or about 8,100 aircraft, remains in storage, according to airline analytics and consulting firm Cirium.

Last month, Airbus and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency issued an advisory that battery systems on A320, A330, A340 and A380 aircraft may not fully...

Future fuels: zero-emission ships technically ready to hit the water by 2024

Pictured: “NGC 604” a vast cloud of hydrogen in the Triangulum Galaxy. Hydrogen is one of the most abundant substances in the universe and could, one day, be the fuel of choice for the world fleet. Credit: Hubble Space Telescope, NASA

Developments that will shape the future of fuel for shipping have been coming thick and fast in recent weeks.

So fast, in fact, that an executive from international class society Lloyd’s Register has told the UN that zero-carbon emission vessels will be technically

Harvey Gulf introduces ‘Tri-Fuel’ OSV

Harvey Gulf International Marine is now the first and only company in the U.S. to own and operate a “Tri-Fuel” — diesel, LNG, and battery — vessel, Harvey Energy — as well as a vessel bunkering facility, selling both diesel fuel, and LNG. Harvey completed the installation of a Wartsila battery-power system on the Harvey Energy, which was already a dual-fuel vessel capable of fully operating on LNG or diesel, making it a “Tri-Fuel” vessel.

At the same time, the company began operations at its new...

IMO To Host Fuel Symposium

IMO is hosting a Symposium on IMO 2020 and Alternative Fuels  on Thursday, 17 October and Friday, 18 October 2019 in the Main Hall at IMO Headquarters, reports SeaNews.

Aims of the symposium

Aim of this one and a half day symposium is:

  • to raise awareness and to take stock of the preparations for the IMO 2020 rule, and 
  • to discuss the role of alternative fuels in the decarbonization of international shipping.
About IMO 2020

1st January 2020 the entry into force of the new global sulphur limit of...

Ocean Cargo Supply Chains Should Use IMO 2020 To Change Shipping for Better

Given that the industry remains well behind others with regards to environmental considerations, IMO 2020 is an opportunity for the shipping industry to finally play its part in reducing pollution, reports the Supply Chain Management Review.

Enacting Progressive Emission Reduction Measures

From conception to implementation, the execution of IMO 2020 has taken 12 long and arduous years. This exposes the underlying inefficiencies and complexities of the industry, which are factors that have been...

Cross-Sector Cooperation Needed to Reduce GHG Emissions: International Large Engine Community

The IMO decision of April 2018, calling the international shipping industry to decarbonise and at least halve its greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 was an important milestone and was largely welcomed by the global engine builders’ community, says an article published in the Port News.

Paradigm Shift

Although some parties found that the IMO target could have been even more ambitious, it clearly marked a paradigm shift: improvements in existing technologies will not be enough. Only through...