EU fisheries sector criticises French authority’s “urgent” closure of Bay of Biscay

After a decision by a French court to close fishing to French vessels over eight metres in length using pelagic trawlers (OTM, PTM), demersal pair trawlers (PTB), gillnetters trammel (GTR), set nets (GNS), and purse seines (PS) in the Bay of Biscay, France is extending this ban to other vessels,...

VESSEL REVIEW | Insula Oya III – Inter-island Ro-Pax for Western French operator

The government of the Pays de la Loire region in western France has taken delivery of a new Ro-Pax ferry from local shipyard Piriou. Insula Oya III was designed by Stirling Design International based in Nantes and built jointly by Piriou and Kership as a replacement for an earlier ferry in the...

VESSEL REVIEW | Camelys – Longliner/gillnetter delivered to western French owner

French shipbuilder Piriou has delivered a new longliner/gillnetter to Armement Cooperatif Artisanal Vendeen (ACAV), an artisanal fishing cooperative based in western Fran ..

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Fishing Vessel News Roundup | November 23 – Norwegian and French newbuilds, Falklands squid trawler and Scotland farming support boat orders

Recent deliveries include a new Norwegian-owned wellboat for operation in Scotland and a French-owned longliner designed for the English Channel. Orders meanwhile include ..

The post Fishing Vessel News Roundup | November 23 – Norwegian and French newbuilds, Falklands squid trawler and Scotland...

VESSEL REVIEW | Finneco II – Finnlines’ newest large hybrid Ro-Ros boast cold climate suitability

Finnish shipping company Finnlines has taken delivery of the second and third freight-only Ro-Ro vessels in a series of three built for the company by China Merchants Jin ..

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