Container Terminal Resumes Operations At Port Of Beirut

beirut container terminal

Beirut has opened up its container terminal at the port as container lines recommence calls to the city following the devastating blasts, last week. The terminal had not undergone severe damage and is hence, ready to open up.

The blast that resulted in large scale damage to Lebanon’s capital, Beirut killed almost 160 people while injuring about 6000. Container lines, during this time, diverted ships to Tripoli, a smaller port in Lebanon, to not cause hindrance to vital supply lines. Lebanon is...

LIBANO: detención personal portuario para investigación de la explosión

Según WMN, las autoridades libanesas avisaron la detención de 16 miembros del personal portuario de Beirut el jueves pasado, mientras que más de una docena de otros trabajadores fueron interrogados como parte de una investigación sobre la explosión mortal que sacudió la capital del Líbano el...

France Sending Amphib Tonnerre to Assist Lebanon After Explosion

An American MV-22 Osprey from Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 263 lands on French amphibious ship FS Tonnerre on June 28, 2019, during the Semper Thunder exercise at Camp Lejeune, N.C. USNI News photo.

France earlier this week dispatched one of its amphibious ships to assist Lebanon following a deadly explosion in Beirut.

France’s Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs announced on its website last week that landing helicopter dock FS Tonnerre (L9014) would depart for Lebanon on Sunday....

Beirut Blasts: Italian Firefighters Investigate Wreck Of Damaged Ship

Fire Fighters Beirut Lebanon

Italian fire service personnel continued helping local administrations after the blasts in the Middle Eastern port city of Beirut, Lebanon.

The Italian team has been mainly estimating the chemical risk that the explosions possessed, assessing samples from the air as well as seawater.

According to reports shared online, Italian fire service team entered the hold and put out the residual flames on a ship that sustained vast damages after the explosion.

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Thermal cameras...

Capes fell but all other Dries’ balancing act saved the day whilst Turkey might rock World Peace

John Faraclas

Capes fell but all other Dries’ balancing act saved the day whilst Turkey might rock World Peace

The BDI clinched five points earlier on today and now stands at 1,506. Geopolitics’ twist and turns with Central and East Med in the brink of an all-out war will one day severely punish all those who humiliate the International Law, sovereignty and conversely Greece and Cyprus as in the current situation. Coronavirus begins to turn sour for all. CAUTION ! John Faraclas’ brief daily recap:

Are US Ports Safer Than Beirut in Handling Dangerous Cargo?

  • Chemical explosion at the port of Beirut and killed more than 100.
  • In 1947, cargo in the hold of the freighter Grandcamp started smoking.
  • The powerful blast destroyed ships, docks, and an adjoining Monsanto chemical plant.
  • Potentially explosive cargo may be petroleum, liquified natural gas, and chemicals.
  • Officials in two of the nation’s busiest ports said safety is always the top priority.
  • Any cargo considered dangerous is subject to Coast Guard inspection.

According to an article published...

Beirut Blast: Owner Of Sunken Cruise Ship To Sue Those Responsible

On 4th August, the explosions at the port of Beirut shook the entire world. The blast occurred in a port warehouse and has subsequently destroyed a major part of the port city.

In a move deemed to be the first of its kind, the owner of the sunken Lebanese Cruise Orient Queen, which sank because of the blast, has filed a lawsuit against the alleged perpetrators responsible.

The owner of the cruise ship is Merhi Abou Merhi, a Lebanese entrepreneur. It is believed that many other lawsuits with the...