Infographic: Myths around the gender pay gap

Gender pay gap is a significant part of gender discrimination across all business sectors and maritime included. Recent ILOSTAT data showed that the median gender wage gap for 115 countries with available data is 14% in favor of men. In shipping, the latest survey by HR Consulting from Spinnaker Global showed men earn almost 44% more than women.

Gender pay gap is the difference between the gross hourly earnings between working men and working women.

The EU has also shed specific focus on tackling...

Why we should be thinking about age discrimination in the Shipping Industry

During the 2020 SAFETY4SEA London Forum, Natalie Shaw, Director Employment Affairs, ICS, opened the second panel discussing age discrimination, which is a potential form of unfair treatment at work, given that the age gap between employees in the workplace can now be as much as 50 years.

People can do wonderful things at all stages of their life and age shouldn’t necessarily be a determinant. According to Oscar Wilde, the old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything and those who...

Top 10 challenges for young leaders

Being a leader is a challenging thing to do, especially in today’s cognitive-oriented society and the world of new technologies, that seem to transform every aspect of thinking, requiring new skills and abilities for sustainability.

The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things,

-Ronald Reagan.

Millennials, born between early 80s and mid-90s, continue to fill leadership roles in the workplace, while by...

Women in Science Day reminds us the need of women in workforce

On 11 February, the global community celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, aiming to defy gender bias and defeat discriminations that holds women and girls back in STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering and Math) fields.

Achieving equal participation in science for women and girls is a key step to achieve gender equality, in line with the internationally agreed development goals, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5.


Maersk part of Bloomberg’s Gender-Equality Index

Bloomberg recently informed that 325 companies across 42 countries and regions are involved in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) for 2020. Among those companies, is also the international container company, A.P. Moller – Maersk.

As part of Maersk’s continuing commitment to gender equality, we are proud to announce our inclusion in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for 2020.

…as Maersk posted on twitter.

For the records, the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index collects financial performance...

Wharfies at Fremantle Container Terminal take 24-hour strike action

The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) informs that two hundred wharfies have stopped work for 24 hours at the Dubai Ports container terminal in Fremantle, accusing the company of failing to bargain in good faith as negotiations for a new workplace agreement drag on for more than 15 months.

MUA Western Australia Branch Secretary Christy Cain commented that “What we’ve seen in that time is the senior management of the Dubai-based company issue ultimatums, threaten massive job cuts, and attempt to...

Addressing harassment in the workplace

Bullying and harassment, including sexual harassment, is an abuse of human rights and a key area of concern for the working environment, especially onboard ships where there is limited alternative for someone to avoid it. This aspect of abuse is particularly important for women, as it is considered one of the reasons keeping them away from a shipping career.

Amid a growing awareness of the importance of psychological wellbeing in the workplace, the ILO adopted a new Convention and accompanying...

Shell: A zero-incident industry is top priority

During LISW 2019, Dr. Grahaeme Henderson, Vice President, Shipping & Maritime at Shell International Trading and Shipping Company Ltd, highlighted how important is for the industry to continue its efforts on seafarers’ mental health and wellbeing and shared examples of Shell’s work towards a zero-incident future.

Beginning his speech, Dr. Henderson mentioned that shipping is vital for the world to function; from the food that we eat, to the goods that we use every day, and the energy that we...

Preventing offensive or hurtful behavior into the maritime workplace

During the 2019 Hellenic American Maritime Forum in Athens, Capt. Apostolos Skempes, Training Manager, Arcadia Shipmanagement Co. Ltd., outlined ways to prevent offensive or hurtful behavior into the maritime workplace. As he stated, if unwanted behavior is left unchallenged it could lead to stress, lack of motivation and reduced work performance.

Enhanced safety culture leads to a safer and better working maritime environment, where offensive or hurtful behaviors are excluded.

What we want:


Watch: Women choose the non-conventional path in shipping

The IMO launched a new video in favour of women in shipping, presenting how IMO’s Women in Maritime programme is helping support gender diversity in the male-dominant shipping sector. ‘It’s not about your gender, it’s about what you can do.’

IMO’s programme was firstly launched in 1988, supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. The programme supports the participation of women in both shore-based and sea-going posts,...