ILO: Mandatory pregnancy testing is a discriminatory practice against women

According to ILO, mandatory pregnancy testing is  now considered as a discriminatory practice. The Norwegian Seafarers Union played an important role to this achievement at the ILO to stop sexist discrimination.

Specifically, ILO’s legal office published a statement, highlighting that ‘mandatory pregnancy testing will now be considered discrimination against women.’

The Norwegian Seafarers Union’s Director of Cruise Operations, Lena Dyring, commented

We are pleased that mandatory pregnancy testing...

ILO adopts new Convention and Recommendation to tackle violence and harassment in workplace

The Centenary International Labour Conference has adopted a new Convention and Recommendation to combat violence and harassment in the workplace. The Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019, and Violence and Harassment Recommendation, 2019 , were adopted by delegates on the final day of the Centenary International Labour Conference, in Geneva.

The Convention will enter into force 12 months after two member States have ratified it. The Recommendation, which is not legally binding, provides...

How to handle employees’ performance and push them beyond their best

One of leadership’s core requirements is dealing with employees that loosen and do not pull their weight, but, on the other end of the job spectrum, they are high talented. In most of the circumstances the answer to the question ‘Keep or Fire?’ is “Fire”. However, this needs to be a two way conversation. Which is therefore the best approach to such employees, so that you deliver your negative feedback in the best way possible?

Why measuring employee performance?

The term “employee performance”...

Addressing the Passive Aggressive Behaviours in the workplace

We all have had a coworker who on the surface appears to be agreeable and supportive, but behind the scenes sabotages others. Sadly, this hidden anger which comes out indirectly and results in spoiling relationships, careers but also happiness is more common than we think in today’s workplaces, it is often characterized as the “cancer of organizations” and it has a name; Passive Aggressive Behaviour.

Let’s unmask the “passive-aggressive”

Sometimes obvious and sometimes not so much, Passive...

Team diversity is the key for competitive advantage

The Global Maritime Forum published an article based on the team diversity in organizations and the importance of it. Increasing the diversity of your team and providing your employees with a feeling of belonging can give your organization a competitive advantage over firms which overlook these values.

Nia Joynson-Romanzina, Founder & Director, iCubed, states that it you don’t think about diversity, you will risk being left behind.

Thus, companies that embrace diversity and inclusion in all...

Cargill to opt for gender diversity

Lloyd’s List reported that an internal document of Cargill, a grains and agricultural trader, ‘the Inclusive and Diverse Speaker Guidelines’ commits the US’ largest privately-owned company to assemble panels and speaker line-ups that are gender diverse.

Specifically, Lloyd’s List addresses that the company’s 160.000 employees will be able to participate as keynote speakers, panellists or moderators if the speaker line-up will have the proper gender diversity.

Because of the prohibit, the company...