Oil Pricing Overhaul Delays Shipping Cost Uproar

Platts defers plan to include West Texas oil prices in its basket of international crudes following pushback from industry, says an article published in The World Street Journal.

Plans put-on hold

Plans for the biggest overhaul in decades of how international oil prices are measured are being put on hold following objections over how to treat shipping costs.

Global commodity market

Prices of Texas oil were going to be included in assessments of Brent crude, the benchmark price underpinning the...


IMO Laws Move the Bar on Low Sulphur Sweet Crudes

IMO 2020 shipping fuel regulation has triggered a shift in oil market fundamentals, increasing the desirability of low sulphur, sweeter crudes with the ability to be blended into the low sulphur fuel oil pool, reports ICIS.

As a result, the discount of sour to sweet crude has widened to 18-month highs, presenting refiners with both challenges and opportunities.

IMO 0.5% fuel rule

The IMO announced in 2016 that from 2020 onwards, only marine fuels with a sulphur content below 0.5% could be used in...
