Emirates invests in converted and new 777 freighters

Close up photo from side of an Emirates jet, with cargo being loaded in door.

Emirates signed a sales agreement Monday making it the second customer for Israel Aerospace Industries’ Boeing 777 large-freighter conversion program currently under development, just as fledgling U.S. rival Mammoth Freighters announced its first order. IAI also struck a deal with a leasing company to structurally modify 10 standard-size Boeing 737-800s for dedicated cargo transport.

The flurry of contracts are a reflection of the booming air cargo market, the need for more dedicated freighters...


777 aircraft conversions: Mammoth Freighters takes on the ‘Big Twin’

A Delta Air Lines jet with white body and blue/red tail in flight, as viewed from side rear.

Mammoth Freighters LLC, backed by funds managed by Fortress Investment Group, on Thursday publicly launched a business that will convert used 777s into all-cargo planes that can carry heavy containers on the main deck instead of passenger seats.

Accelerating growth in air cargo shipments has sparked greater interest from investors and operators in revamping large Boeing 777 passenger planes into freighters. Mammoth officials say the reconfigured aircraft will add capacity for cargo shippers and...


GECAS readies 777-300 freighter conversion program

GE Capital Aviation Services (GECAS) said it delivered its first former Boeing 777-300 passenger plane to Israel Aerospace Industries this week for conversion to all-cargo service.

The GECAS-owned aircraft, which was flown from Dubai to Tel Aviv airport, was initially part of Emirates’ passenger service.

Converting the 2005-built aircraft to a freighter will require extensive work, including the addition of a main deck cargo door, window plugs, modified crew compartment and a reinforced fuselage.

