BigLift brings 11 Damen tugs from Asia to Europe on one ship

BigLift vessel loaded with Damen tugs

Putting the big into BigLift, Spliethoff Group’s heavy lift specialist BigLift Shipping has used a single vessel to transport eleven Damen tugs from the shipbuilder’s yards in Vietnam and China to Europe.

While such voyages usually require six months to plan and organize, Damen reports that there was less than two months available to prepare for this one and to ensure that each stage was executed on time.

The ship used to transport the eleven Damen tugs was BigLift’s Happy Star, a 156-meter heavy...

Watch: Biglift Barentsz Transports 11,700 MT Jackup Platform

Biglift Platform_3

Beginning of October, BigLift Barentsz loaded a 11,700 mt Jackup Platform in Flushing, The Netherlands, to bring it to the West of Africa. Within three weeks the Platform was safely delivered to its destination.

The Jackup platform has an overall breadth of 75 meters and its legs are 133 meters high. BigLift Barentsz was the right vessel for this project. She has a large, flush deck of 125 x 42 metres, with high deck strength and a uniform grid of bulkheads and web frames, all completed with a...