DSC chat: Time to close the infrastructure gap

This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ Domestic Supply Chain Summit.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: Unlocking the bipartisan infrastructure package.

DETAILS: With the long-awaited $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill finally signed into law on Nov. 15, the next questions are: What projects will get the money and when? Will the money flow in time to address the current supply chain crisis? In this fireside chat, freight policy expert Elaine Nessle provides insights.

SPEAKER: Nessle is the...


Infrastructure: The money is there but the clock is ticking

Now that President Joe Biden has signed into law the biggest investment in freight transportation in 65 years, the question turns to how quickly the money can reconnect the links of a broken supply chain.

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) includes $110 billion for roads, bridges and major infrastructure projects, $66 billion for freight and passenger rail, and $17.4 billion for ports and inland waterway improvements.

It also sets aside $20.5 billion over five years for three major...


FMCSA will require annual inspections of rear impact guards

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will require that rear impact guards be included on the list of items that must be examined as part of annual inspections of commercial motor vehicles.

The final rule, scheduled to be published Tuesday and which goes into effect Dec. 9, follows recommendations from the U.S. Government Accountability Office in 2019 and a petition from the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance seeking the change.

“While [federal regulations] have required rear impact...


Supply chain logjams hobbling smaller shippers

Recent commitments to move to 24/7 operations by transportation and shipping giants FedEx, UPS, Walmart, Home Depot and others are receiving a lot of support by the Biden administration but some smaller businesses feel left out.

“Having UPS and FedEx ramp up their delivery process doesn’t do a lot for the challenges we have with lumber and labor shortages that are handicapping our industry and creating a shortage of new houses,” home builder John Fowke, testifying on behalf of the National...


Freight projects fall victim to Capitol Hill stalemate

Long-term investments aimed at unclogging freight bottlenecks and reducing wait times for the nation’s truckers are being put on hold as state transportation departments weigh new risks caused by the stalemate on Capitol Hill over infrastructure funding.

After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., failed on Friday to secure the support necessary to pass the $1.2 trillion bipartisan “roads and bridges” infrastructure package, lawmakers were forced instead to approve a 30-day extension of surface...
