Shippers Want Change As The EC Evaluation Of CBER Becomes A Point Of Contention

As the European Commission (EC) continues to investigate whether to prolong the Consortia Block Exemption Regulation (CBER), which permits vessel-sharing, the conflict between shipping lines and their clients is escalating as reported by The Loadstar.

Block exemption

The closing date for evidence submission to the EC was yesterday, and the current CBER expires on 25 April 2024.

Last month, Israel extended its block exemption for three years without any substantial changes.

But it is the EC that...

Explainer: shipping could support a repeal of Part X and a replacement with a block exemption

Track athletes get ready to compete. Photo credit: Matt Lee via Unsplash.

Various commentators like to beat on the shipping industry with calls for the repeal of Part X, which is a bit of law that gives various exemptions to liner shipping companies from normal competition law.

Here’s a SHOCKER for you… most shipping lines would largely be OK with a repeal of Part X, provided that there is a block exemption instead.

So, why does shipping need an exemption from competition law?

Well, shipping doesn...