NTSB blames Boeing 747 engine fire on shoddy maintenance work

This story originally appeared on AirlineGeeks.com.

The National Transportation Safety Board said an improperly installed borescope plug led to a January engine fire on an Atlas Air Boeing 747. Maintenance on the aircraft was performed just four days before the incident.

On Jan. 18, Atlas Air flight 3885 was flying between Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico, when the crew received a fire indication in the Boeing 747-8F’s No. 2 engine at approximately 3,000 feet. An emergency was declared and the...


Boeing: Την Τετάρτη ψηφίζουν οι μηχανικοί για τις αυξήσεις 35% – Θα λήξει η απεργία;

Μετά τα αλλεπάλληλα σκάνδαλα για την ασφάλεια των αεροσκαφών της και τους μυστηριώδεις θανάτους πρώην υπαλλήλων – μαρτύρων σε δίκες εναντίον της, τα «κενά αέρος» για την Boeing συνεχίστηκαν με…

Boeing: Την Τετάρτη ψηφίζουν οι μηχανικοί για τις αυξήσεις 35% – Θα λήξει η απεργία;Η ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ


H Boeing απολύει 17.000 εργαζόμενους και «παγώνει» το νέο της αεροσκάφος

Η Boeing περικόπτει 17.000 θέσεις εργασίας «για να ευθυγραμμιστεί με την οικονομική πραγματικότητα», καθώς ο γίγαντας της αεροδιαστημικής αντιμετωπίζει τις επίμονες συνέπειες από το τελευταίο «επεισόδιο ασφαλείας» των αεροσκαφών της.…

H Boeing απολύει 17.000 εργαζόμενους και «παγώνει» το νέο της...


Boeing to sunset 767 freighter program, slow 777X rollout amid strike

Boeing said Friday afternoon it will stop production of the 767 freighter in 2027, sooner than expected, and won’t have the next-generation 777-8 freighter ready for commercial use until 2028, at least a year later than previously scheduled, as the company looks to stem financial losses amid a month-long machinists strike.

Management also announced it will take a $3 billion pre-tax charge on the 777X and 767 programs, lay off about 10% of its workforce and report a third-quarter loss of $9.97...


Boeing considers ‘next steps’ after pulling contract offer for striking workers

This story originally appeared on AirlineGeeks.com.

Boeing announced it has withdrawn its contract offer to striking machinists union workers as it considers “next steps.”

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) has been on strike for 27 days now, seeking higher pay, a better savings plan and more affordable health insurance.

Boeing COO Stephanie Pope said in a message to employees on Tuesday that the strike in the Pacific Northwest has deeply affected Boeing’s...


33,000 Boeing workers lose health care coverage

Editor’s Note: This story first appeared on AirlineGeeks.com.

Boeing has cut health care coverage for 33,000 of its workers and their families as machinists union strikes continue to halt production in the Pacific Northwest.

A news release from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) emailed Tuesday stated that workers were informed of the cuts by U.S. Postal Service notifications to their homes. The move is being criticized by striking union members as a misstep...


IAM negotiators say union won’t vote on Boeing’s ‘final’ contract offer

Negotiators for striking machinists and aerospace workers declined to present Boeing’s final contract offer to the union’s members hours after news broke about the proposal.

Boeing made what the company called its “best and final offer” for a renewed contract to 33,000 striking union workers on Monday afternoon. The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) announced later that evening that the union would not be voting on the offer.

In a statement addressing Local Lodge...


Θες δουλειά; Έλα, στο γραφείο – Γιατί μπαίνει «ταφόπλακα» στην εξ αποστάσεως εργασία

Όταν ο Covid -19 εισέβαλε στη ζωή μας, μας «κλείδωσε» μέσα με τα περιβόητα lockdown και μετέτρεψε το σπίτι μας και σε χώρο εργασίας και εκπαίδευσης των παιδιών. Η τηλεργασία…

Θες δουλειά; Έλα, στο γραφείο – Γιατί μπαίνει «ταφόπλακα» στην εξ αποστάσεως εργασίαΗ ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ


Machinists union head joins Boeing strike lines across Pacific Northwest

Brian Bryant, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) international president, joined picket lines this week as some 33,000 Boeing workers went on strike in the Pacific Northwest.

Boeing workers walked off the job at midnight on Sept. 12 after more than 94% of union members rejected a tentative contract offer by the company.

After joining several picket lines in Washington and Oregon on Wednesday and Thursday, Bryant told FreightWaves in a phone interview that union...


Boeing freezes hiring, considers furloughs as strike could cost $3.5B

Boeing has notified employees of a hiring freeze and is considering furloughs in the coming weeks as experts predict significant cash loss for the company this quarter due to an ongoing machinist strike.

Over 30,000 machinists and aerospace workers at the company walked off the job Friday after a large majority of them rejected a tentative contract. A Bloomberg Intelligence analysis predicted Monday that Boeing could be out $3.5 billion in cash in Q3 if the strike continues through September.

