New port in Tibar Bay launches activities

Timor-Leste, a Southeast Asian country, inaugurated the new deepwater port of Tibar Bay, a new maritime gateway to the Asia-Pacific region.

H.E. Dr José Ramos Horta, the president of the Republic of Timor Leste officially inaugurated the Tibar Bay Deepwater Port on 30 November 2022, in the presence of Philippe Labonne, CEO of Bolloré Ports, the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste H.E General Taur Matan Ruak, and members of the Dili port community and of the Asia Pacific region.

As the first...

Moroni terminal starts new investment programme

The Union of the Comoros and Moroni Terminal has signed the amendment to the concession agreement for the container terminal at the port of Moroni in the capital of Comoros.

This move provides for the implementation of an investment plan of US$10.2 million (5 billion Comorian francs).

In particular, it will enable the modernisation of the infrastructure and equipment at Moroni Terminal, operated by Bolloré Ports, to be continued, and surveys to be launched with a view to extending the large quay...

New Côte d’Ivoire Terminal receives first fully electric equipment

Côte d’Ivoire Terminal (CIT) received six electric fleet gantry cranes and 14 electric terminal tractors. The new equipment comes after the delivery of six electric gantry cranes earlier in June.

Therefore, the terminal is on track to be operational in November this year. The new Côte d’Ivoire Terminal will be the second container terminal at the Port of Abidjan, built and operated by a Bolloré Ports and APM Terminals consortium.

The fleet gantry cranes are 30 meters high and will be used for...ôte-divoire-terminal-receives-first-fully-electric-equipment/

Côte d’Ivoire Terminal receives six fleet gantries

Côte d’Ivoire Terminal, owned by APM Terminals and Bolloré Ports, took delivery of six fleet gantries for the second container terminal currently under construction at the Port of Abidjan.

This 30-metre-high handling equipment will be used for the loading, unloading and storage of containers in the container yard, according to Bolloré Ports, which said the new gantries supplied by ZPMC are equipped with a control system, and a new-generation power supply system that significantly reduces CO2...

Gaussin provides Bolloré Ports CIT with new equipment

The French technology company Gaussin has started the delivery of 36 APM 75T Hot Environment (HE) electric tractors, 24 Powerpacks LMP and six charging stations to equip Bolloré Ports’ Côte d’Ivoire Terminal (CIT) in the Port of Abidjan.

This order, which represents a turnover of US$10.8 million and is scheduled for full delivery in the first half of the current year, is the largest since the launch of the APM 75T HE, a 100% electric tractor designed to transport containers in ports.


Congo Terminal expands port equipment fleet

Congo Terminal, a subsidiary of Bolloré Ports, has recently invested more than US$1 million to acquire 10 tractors and 10 trailers to improve the efficiency of its operations.

This is the fourth order for rolling stock equipment in the Port of Pointe-Noire’s terminal since 2009, according to a statement.

The latest generation tractors, YT193 and RT223, connected to the Navis 4 operating system, are expected to increase operational production rates at the container yard and enhance the terminal’s...

Conakry Terminal receives green award by Bureau Veritas

Conakry Terminal in Guinea has been granted the Green Terminal label, following the audit conducted on November 2021 by Bureau Veritas.

The audit was based on the eight pillars of the labelling process, including work processes, building infrastructures that comply with international standards, acquiring environmentally friendly handling equipment, waste management and training employees in best practices related to environmental issues.

“This label rewards the efforts made by the company to...

Port of Pointe Noire Container Terminal surpasses 1 million TEU milestone in 2021

The Port of Pointe Noire Container Terminal has proceeded 1,003,734 TEU in 2021, exceeding the threshold of one million containers for the first time in its history.

Bolloré Ports, which holds 51% of Congo Terminal, the management company of the terminal, has set a modernisation plan for the Port of Pointe-Noire since 2009 and the latest container figures seem to reflect the efforts made by the French operator.

Another major global port/terminal operator, APM Terminals holds 22.5% of Congo...

Gaussin’s equipment to enhance Sierra Leone’s box terminal

Bolloré Ports has ordered two new electric terminal tractors and a multi-charge station from the engineering company Gaussin to equip Freetown Terminal, the main container terminal in Sierra Leone.

This order, which includes two APM 75T HE electric port tractors, four POWERPACK HE and a 6×4 multi-load station, constitutes the third time Bolloré Ports has placed an order in the French company, following the Green Terminal environmental labelling process, which was initiated by Bolloré Ports with...

Cameroon terminal enahnces handling capabilities with new gantries

Kribi Conteneurs Terminal (KCT) received five new yard gantries with a 50-tonne lifting capacity on 10 May aiming to boost the growth in traffic at the Cameroonian port, which has marked a 56.27% increase in volumes during the last year.

The five Konecranes units will optimise the use of the container storage park and improve processing times for trucks unloading and loading containers, and therefore provide KCT with additional handling capacity, according to an announcement by Bolloré Ports,...