Las tarifas propuestas de Trump en los barcos chinos podrían obstaculizar el comercio estadounidense-México


Las caras pronunciadas de la administración Trump en los buques comerciales construidos por los chinos tienen el potencial de forzar el comercio transfronterizo entre México y los Estados Unidos. Bajo el propuesta Anunciado el viernes por el Representante Comercial de los Estados Unidos (USTR), los barcos construidos en China enfrentarían tarifas de hasta $ 1.5 […]

Esta entrada Las tarifas propuestas de Trump en los barcos chinos podrían obstaculizar el comercio estadounidense-México Aparece...

Trump’s proposed fees on Chinese ships could hinder US-Mexico trade

The Trump administration’s proposed steep fees on Chinese-built commercial vessels has the potential to strain cross-border trade between Mexico and the U.S.

Under the proposal announced Friday by the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), ships constructed in China would face fees of up to $1.5 million per U.S. port call. Vessel operators with a Chinese-built ship in their fleet could be charged $500,000 per ship per call.

Jordan Dewart, president of Redwood Mexico, said shippers diverting...

Mexico aims for tariff deal with Trump before March 4 deadline

Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum hopes to finalize an agreement with the Trump administration that would prevent import tariffs on goods from her country being imposed starting next week.

President Donald Trump said Monday that 25% tariffs on most imports from Canada and Mexico – delayed by a month to give those countries time to work on border security – will take effect March 4.

“We must review everything that President Trump says. That is why I always say that we must keep a cool head and...

Trump dice que los aranceles sobre México, Canadá, avanzan el 4 de marzo

El presidente Donald Trump dijo el lunes que el 25% de las tarifas en la mayoría de las importaciones de Canadá y México, retrasadas en un mes para darles a esos países tiempo para trabajar en la seguridad fronteriza, entrarán en vigencia el 4 de marzo. «Los aranceles avanzan a tiempo, a tiempo»,...

Trump says tariffs on Mexico, Canada moving forward March 4

President Donald Trump said Monday that 25% tariffs on most imports from Canada and Mexico – delayed by a month to give those countries time to work on border security – will take effect March 4.

“The tariffs are going forward on time, on schedule,” Trump said at the White House when asked during a news conference with French President Emmanual Macron whether the tariffs on Canadian and Mexican products would be implemented, according to a report by The Canadian Press.

Unlike other imports from...

Borderlands México: Grupos de delitos organizados El aumento de los robos de carga de los Estados Unidos


Borderlands es un resumen semanal de desarrollos en el mundo del transporte y el comercio transfronterizo de los Estados Unidos-México. Esta semana: los grupos de delincuencia organizados combían los robos de carga de EE. UU.; Imperial Auto abre una fábrica de $ 21 millones en México; Ego Group...

Borderlands Mexico: Organized crime groups fuel rise of US cargo thefts

Borderlands is a weekly rundown of developments in the world of United States-Mexico cross-border trucking and trade. This week: Organized crime groups fuel rise of US cargo thefts; Imperial Auto opens $21M factory in Mexico; EGO Group launches electronic components plant in central Mexico; and Billor opens logistics hub in Houston.

Organized crime groups fuel rise of US cargo thefts

Supply chain security firm Overhaul said organized criminal gangs were a factor in the soaring number of cargo...

Borderlands Mexico: Trade fears, CO2 rules hit Mexico’s cargo truck exports

Borderlands is a weekly rundown of developments in the world of United States-Mexico cross-border trucking and trade. This week: Trade fears, CO2 rules hit Mexico’s cargo truck exports; Gebrüder Weiss opens Phoenix location aimed at cross-border trade; Bourque Logistics snags $100M in financing for expansion; Taiwan auto parts supplier plans $70M factory in central Mexico.

Trade fears, CO2 rules hit Mexico’s cargo truck exports

Mexico’s cargo truck production and exports fell in January,...

Estados Unidos alcanzó su total de comercio más alto con cualquier nación en 2024: $ 840B con México


México fue el principal socio comercial de los Estados Unidos por segundo año consecutivo en 2024, totalizando un récord de $ 840 mil millones. Era el total de comercio anual más alto que cualquier país había registrado con los EE. UU., Según Ken Roberts, fundador y presidente de la firma de...

US hit its highest-ever trade total with any nation in 2024: $840B with Mexico

Mexico was the top U.S. trade partner for the second consecutive year in 2024, totaling a record-breaking $840 billion.

It was the highest annual trade total any country had ever recorded with the U.S., according to Ken Roberts, founder and president of market research firm WorldCity.

“Mexico was the top U.S. trade partner for the second consecutive year – a first for Mexico – and topped $800 billion in U.S. trade, the most ever by any nation,” Roberts wrote in a column on
