In support of this year’s International Women’s Day, held annually on 8 March, the fifth edition of World Sailing’s global women’s sailing festival, Steering the Course, will reaffirm the federation’s commitment to creating new pathways at all levels of the sport for talented female sailors, coaches and officials. Two global festivals will be held in solidarity with the International Women’s Day theme of #AccelerateAction and elevating women and girls’ participation and achievement in... |
China Merchants buys major Brazilian VLCC terminal
China Merchants has bought a 70% stake in Vast Infraestrutura, Brazil’s only privately run VLCC terminal, located in the port of Açu in a deal worth up to $714m. China Merchants bought its stake in the oil terminal from US-based EIG Global Energy Partners, which has been developing the site for...
Karoon buys FPSO working offshore Brazil for $115m
Australian oil and gas player Karoon Energy has bought the Cidade de Itajaí FPSO for $115m from Altera & Ocyan, the joint venture formed by the Brazilian company Ocyan and Altera Infrastructure. The FPSO was bought by Karoon’s wholly-owned Brazilian subsidiary Karoon Petróleo & Gás. The deal also...
Tsakos prepara nueve petroleros en Samsung Heavy
El propietario griego Tsakos Energy Navigation (diez) ha alineado un acuerdo para las construcciones de vías petroleras de Shuttle en Corea del Sur. Los corredores en Grecia han vinculado a la compañía que cotiza en Nueva York y Samsung Heavy Industries con un contrato de nueve buques bajo la...
Tsakos readies nine shuttle tankers at Samsung Heavy
Greek owner Tsakos Energy Navigation (TEN) has lined up a deal for shuttle tanker newbuildings in South Korea. Brokers in Greece have linked the New York-listed company and Samsung Heavy Industries to a nine-ship contract under the tender launched last year by Petrobras’ logistics subsidiary...
Brazil Offshore Oil Hit by Regulator’s Crackdown on Drilling
Brazilian regulators are cracking down on some offshore drilling by oil giants like Petrobras and Equinor ASA, complicating exploration and production projects at a key moment in the nation’s effort to boost crude output.
Petrobras cancels FPSO tender after bid deemed too expensive
Brazil’s state-owned oil and gas giant Petrobras has cancelled a tender for chartering an FPSO for the Barracuda-Caratinga revitalization project. Initially, Petrobras started the contracting process for the FPSO back in the summer of 2023 but it suffered several setbacks and postponements due to a...
Constellation Oil Services Eyes Oslo Listado
Constelación El perforador offshore brasileño Constellation Oil Services ha anunciado su intención de enumerar las acciones de la compañía sobre el crecimiento de Euronext Oslo. Actualmente, la compañía tiene 1,519,918,308 acciones en circulación y ha declarado que no buscaría recaudar capital como...
Constellation Oil Services eyes Oslo listing
Brazilian offshore driller Constellation Oil Services has announced its intention to list the company’s shares on Euronext Growth Oslo. The company currently has 1,519,918,308 outstanding shares and has stated that it would not be looking to raise capital as part of the listing. A portion of...
SBM Offshore to study carbon capture module application on Petrobras FPSOs
Dutch floater expert SBM Offshore will be conducting a study with Brazilian state-owned oil and gas giant Petrobras for the application of carbon capture modules on FPSOs. The module design is based on a successful engineering and design study done by SBM Offshore and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries,...