Crew Member Has A Fatal Fall From Portable Ladder

The Britannia P&I Club, in its BSafe campaign, reports the incident where an AB had a fatal fall from a portable ladder onboard a product tanker.

The AB was conducting maintenance work on the launching system for the ship’s free-fall lifeboat and later tragically died from his injuries.

The incident

A product tanker was on route from South Korea to Los Angeles. As the crew was preparing for an announced USCG inspection to take place while alongside in Los Angeles, it was found that a lashing...

Ukraine establishes new procedures for taking ecological samples of water

As the Britannia P&I Club informs, the Government of Ukraine has now published the full text of the Regulation on Inspection, Taking Samples of Water and Conducting its Analysis and which came into force on 5 September 2019.

The regulations establish the procedures to be followed when taking ballast water samples, while it also clarifies that there should be representatives from the maritime administration, the master of the ship and from the maritime agent present when samples are taken.


USCG warns about bilge monitors not recording information properly

The USCG has recently discovered deficiencies in the entries in oil record books where the entries did not correspond to the bilge alarm data being displayed on the bilge alarm/oil content meter.  Namely, the bilge alarm must record the date, time, alarm status and operating status of the bilge separator.

As the Britannia P&I Club informs, the bilge alarm should also store this data for at least 18 months and must also be capable of displaying or printing the data as and when required by...

US imposes security guards for crewmembers without visas

Britannia P&I Club informed that it has recently been advised that some operators have been charged USD3,600 for security guards in respect of crew members not holding current US visas, even though they were not disembarking.

According to the Club’s US correspondents, Lamorte Burns, the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and US Coast Guard (USCG) have discretion under local regulations to order, at the vessel owners’ cost, security guards to “reduce potential opportunities” for crew members...

Indonesia requires vessels to activate AIS

As the Britannia P&I Club informed, the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation are introducing a new regulation which comes into effect on 20 August 2019 requiring that all Indonesian and foreign-flagged ships sailing in Indonesian waters install and activate Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Operators are strongly advised to comply with the new regulation from the Indonesian Authorities and if they require further information they should contact their local agents or correspondents.


Foreign vessels sail through the navigation-restricted areas on Miaodao Archipelago

As the Britannia P&I Club informed, it received information from Yantai MSA, saying that foreign vessels often navigate along incorrect routes through the navigation-restricted areas around Miaodao Archipelago. Namely, about ten cases have been reported annually in the last three years.

Under the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maritime Traffic Safety and other relevant regulations, domestic/foreign commercial vessels are not allowed to sail in any channel in the Miaodao Archipelago...

Notes on safe seafarer ship-to-ship transfer

Britannia P&I’s Loss Prevention team published an informational paper on the best way to transfer personnel from one ship to another. There’s a variety of ways to do so, but the most important thing is safety.

Generally, the operations are all different as they hide different dangers, concerning the ‘product’ being transferred.

Britannia notes that the most important points to be careful of are:

  • Approval

Prior to the transfer, one should check with the flag state, classification society and port...

English court presents first judgement of Hague and Hague-visby rules

Britannia P&I Club referred to the English supreme court that presented its first authoritative judgement in English law, addressing the question of whether it is the carrier or cargo interests who bear the burden of proof under the Hague and Hague-visby rules.

The case had to do with a low value claim for condensation damage to coffee beans.

In the first trial the judge ruled in favour of the cargo deciding that, where goods shipped in apparent good order and condition show loss or damage on...

Unsafely transferring wood pellets increases the possibility of fire

Peter Hazell, Assistant Vice President, Head of FDD Skuld, focused on the various incidents concerning former coal fired power stations that have started to burn biomass as feedstock in order to enhance sustainability of fuel sources. This results to shipments of wood pellets intended to be burned. Most of these shipments are executed without incident but there are significant hazards associated with the carriage of wood pellets.

Generally, to have safely transfer wood pellets the Club...

Britannia the first P&I Club to join MACN

Britannia announced that it has become the first P&I Club to be accepted as a member of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN). By joining MACN, Britannia aspires to provide the Network with input from an insurance sector perspective.

Talking about entering MACN, Andrew Cutler, CEO of Britannia’s Managers Tindall Riley, highlighted the the Club is proud of this development. He also added that tackling corruption is crucial to make sure that companies in the maritime sector can protect their...