Annual report: Supply chain congestion increases threat of cargo theft

An annual report referring to incident data for the past year shows that the risk of goods being stolen due to the crisis in the supply chain has increased.

“Constant vigilance is required in order to combat the growing risk divergence in theft trends,” said Mike Yarwood, managing director, Loss Prevention, TT Club.

The report’s data were collected from sources including law enforcement agencies, governments, and trade unions.

As in previous years, the report was compiled by an international...

Σε τροχιά διόρθωσης o ΒDI 

Πτωτική εμφανίζεται η πορεία του βασικού δείκτη της ναυλαγοράς των dry (BDI), ο οποίος τη Δευτέρα 1 Νοεμβρίου κατέγραψε τη χαμηλότερη τιμή του για τους τελευταίους τρεις μήνες. Όπως αναφέρει το πρακτορείο ειδήσεων Reuters, η πτώση αυτή ήταν επόμενη της υποχώρησης των ναύλων στην αγορά μεταφοράς ξηρού χύδην φορτίου.

Ειδικότερα, ο γενικός δείκτης BDI έπεσε κατά 91 μονάδες στις 3.428, αγγίζοντας τα χαμηλότερα επίπεδά του από τις 11 Αυγούστου. Ο δείκτης των Capesize πλοίων (BCI) έπεσε κατά 147...

Σε τροχιά εκτόξευσης ο δείκτης της ναυλαγοράς των Capesizes

Την ανοδική του πορεία διατήρησε ο BDI την Τετάρτη 6 Οκτωβρίου, όπως αναφέρει το πρακτορείο ειδήσεων Reuters. Συγκεκριμένα, ο δείκτης σημείωσε άνοδο 238 μονάδων (ή κατά 4,4%) φθάνοντας τις 5.647 μονάδες, επίπεδα που έχουν να καταγραφούν από τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2008.

Η προαναφερθείσα άνοδος οφείλεται κατά κύριο λόγο στη σημαντική αύξηση του δείκτη των Capesizes (BCI), ο οποίος εκτινάχθηκε άνω των 10.000 μονάδων, για πρώτη φορά έπειτα από 13 χρόνια. Η εν λόγω αύξηση ήταν ίση με 723 μονάδες (ή...

Weekly Bulk Report – Week 15, 2021

The Baltic Briefing has released a report about the dry bulk market for the 15thweek of shipping activities of this year. The report dated 16 Aprilhighlights the dry bulk market conditions at the on-sight of the 15thweek.


The market turned for all Capesize routes this past week as the BCI reached new highs for the year. The Capesize 5TC started the week at $23,911, surged early in the week before a lull mid-week. It closed out with a strong gain of 4,339 for the week to $28,250.  Both...

Weekly Bulk Report – Week 14, 2021

The Capesize market continued this week with its constant and relatively steady improvement in rate values, reports Baltic Exchange.


The Capesize 5TC lifted 4,058 over the shortened post Easter holiday week to $23,911.  While the Transpacific C10 remains the premium paying basin at $27,221, the Atlantic Basin C8 has closed the gap now rated to $19,850, albeit fixtures still remain few and far between in the region. The Fronthaul C9 and Backhaul C16 stood out this week as solid earning...

[Infographic] Significant New Trends in Annual Cargo Theft Report

A report compiled by leading international transport and logistics insurer, TT Club, and global provider of supply chain intelligence, BSI, summarizes the new trends in annual cargo thefts, reads a Marine Insight article.

New trends

The report reflects whole year data from 2020 which highlights significant new trends in risks both regionally and globally.

  • Thefts of cargo in transit remains highest proportion of total, all though the 71% share is a decrease from 2019 (87%)
  • Losses from warehouses...

South Africa’s cargo theives target fuel, food and medical supplies

A cargo theft report conducted over the first half of this year reveals the growing risk to medical supplies and food as the prolonged pandemic has continued spread, with the overwhelming attacks remaining while cargo is in transit on trucks.

Although the study does not detail reasons for thefts, the major items stolen remain fuel, with food stuffs rising 66% from the first to second quarter to reach equivalence with fuel at 20%, while medical supplies went from zero to 12% over the two periods.


Cargo theft report confirms upward trends

The second annual report on cargo theft worldwide, issued on 19 February by leading international transport and logistics insurer, TT Club and global provider of supply chain intelligence, BSI, confirms the overwhelming targeting of cargo trucks compared to all other modalities.

TT Club and BSI say the consistency of this trend year-on-year is also reflected in the 2019 data analysis of top commodities stolen; food and beverages representing 28% of all reported thefts in comparison with 19% in...

Cargo Theft Report Confirms Upward Trends In 2019

Cargo ship in the harbor at night

The second annual report on cargo theft worldwide, issued by leading international transport and logistics insurer, TT Club and global provider of supply chain intelligence, BSI confirms the overwhelming targeting of cargo trucks compared to all other modalities.

The consistency of this trend year-on-year is also reflected in the 2019 data analysis of top commodities stolen; food and beverages representing 28% of all reported thefts in comparison with 19% in 2018. Other 2018 to 2019 results...