GLOBAL & REGIONAL FOCUS NOTES | Bulgaria: On the verge of joining the Eurozone


BulgariaOn the verge of joining the Eurozone

Structural challenges for medium-term economic growth

  • Economy has significantly converged with the EU average in the last 20 years
  • Still, chronic structural weaknesses (institutional, social, technological, etc) persist, keeping the country at a distance from the EU core economies
  • According to reputable institutions, the country lags mainly in government effectiveness, transport infrastructure, rule of law and...

Los estados bálticos piden nuevas reglas para abordar la amenaza de la flota de sombras

Navibulgar El propietario búlgaro en el centro de un nuevo incidente de corte de cable en el Báltico ha negado que su barco haya llevado a cabo deliberadamente el último daño a la infraestructura submarina en la región, algo que los analistas están disputando mientras los políticos discuten más que...

Suecia se apodera de la nave sospecha de estar detrás de la última interrupción del cable báltico


OTAN La Fiscalía sueca ha incautado un barco sospechoso de dañar ayer el cable submarino de fibra óptica que une Letonia y la isla sueca de Gotland, el último de una serie de ataques de sabotaje submarino que asolan la región del Báltico. El barco en cuestión esta vez es un granelero de 32.200 TPM...

17 injured after river cruise ship hits wall in northern Austria

Seventeen people suffered varying degrees of injury after a Bulgarian cruise ship transiting the Danube River struck the side of a lock in northern Austria on Friday, March 29. The unidentified vessel, which had more than 140 passengers embarked, was sailing along the Danube near the municipality...

AWARDS 2023 | Best Medium Patrol Boat – Balchik – Baltic Workboats

Best Medium Patrol Boat – Balchik – Baltic Workboats At 45 metres LOA, this patrol boat is nearing the maximum size of boats built, to date, by the fast growing Estonian aluminium boat designer and builder Baltic Workboats (BWB). Much of BWB’s production is for export and, as it was built for the...