GeelongPort joins Shipping Australia as a new member

Pictured: a ship receiving assistance from tugs at GeelongPort; Photo – supplied by GeelongPort

Shipping Australia is delighted to welcome GeelongPort as our newest corporate associate member.

GeelongPort is a major driver of Victoria’s economy, managing over $7 billion of trade and generating over 1,800 jobs across the state. As Victoria’s premier bulk port and the state’s second largest port, GeelongPort handles 12 million tonnes of cargo and more than 600 vessel visits each year.

The importance...

Australia’s grain trade: emergence from adversity

Pictured: a close-up of an ear of wheat; Credit: Robin M from Unsplash

Pat O’Shannassy, chief executive officer, Grain Trade Australia reports that the 2020-21 season Australian winter-based grain crop is generally very favourable as compared to the recent drought-ravaged seasons of recent years.

Grain Trade Australia is expecting increased activity for the shipping industry from grain exports in 2021 [compared to] prior years.

ABARES supports this forecast, as its winter crop production is...