Γιώργος Ανδρεάδης: «Δέσμευση του Bureau Veritas να στηρίξει την ελληνική ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα» (pics)

37η Συνάντηση της Ελληνικής Τεχνικής Επιτροπής Ναυτιλίας του γαλλικού νηογνώμονα Bureau Veritas


Γιώργος Ανδρεάδης: «Δέσμευση της Bureau Veritas να στηρίξει την ελληνική ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα» (pics)

37η Συνάντηση της Ελληνικής Τεχνικής Επιτροπής Ναυτιλίας του γαλλικού νηογνώμονα Bureau Veritas


VESSEL REVIEW | NR Predator – UK fast catamaran crewboat built for year-round operations

NR Predator, NR Marine Services' newest crewboat

UK offshore support company NR Marine Services has taken delivery of a new catamaran crewboat built by Isle of Wight-based Diverse Marine. Named NR Predator, the vessel boasts a hull form that incorporates an ultra-fine entry for excellent head sea performance and tower access but with high...


VESSEL REVIEW | Skawlink V – Towing and supply workboat for Danish marine services company

Skawlink V, a new towing and supply workboat delivered to Denmark's Saga Shipping

Danish marine services provider Saga Shipping has taken delivery of a new workboat capable of supply, towing, and anchor handling duties under a broad range of weather conditions in both harbour and deeper offshore waters. Built locally by Hvide Sande Shipyard (HSS) to a design by OSK-ShipTech,...


Στο Εκάλη Club η δεξίωση του γαλλικού νηογνώμονα Bureau Veritas (pics)

Παρόντες και πλοιοκτήτες μεταξύ των οποίων ο Πέτρος Παππάς, ο Πάνος Λασκαρίδης, η Σεμίραμις Παληού, ο Αδαμάντιος Πολέμης, ο Μιχάλης Μποδούρογλου, ο Σπύρος Βαμβακάς και η Έλπη Πετράκη


Damen develops a future-ready fuel flexible tug

With regulatory pressures mounting, operators of all types of vessels, including tugs, are assessing all the alternative fuel technology options. Releasing details of a new fuel flexible tug design, Damen, one of the world’s leading tug builders, says that the move towards a cleaner future is not only a challenge for vessel operators, but for shipbuilders too. They are faced with creating and constructing a platform that will be suited for operations in a future that remains far-off and unknown.
