Damen Triton IoT platform receives Bureau Veritas Type Approval Certification for Cyber Resilience

Damen Shipyards Group has revealed that its Triton Internet of Things (IoT) platform has received Bureau Veritas (BV) Type Approval Certification for Cyber Resilience.

The system collects all practical asset data accessible from a vessel and its engines, pumps, hydraulics, alarms, and other machinery, totalling over 10,000 signals for a single vessel.

This is then relayed to the personnel on board as well as the fleet managers on land. Crew can monitor asset health, repair plans, and other...


Bureau Veritas joins consortium to work on container ship fire safety

The French classification society Bureau Veritas (BV) will join a consortium that will deliver a Formal Safety Assessment study on boxship fires to the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).

Led by the Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology (DBI) and supported by Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), the University of Southern Denmark (SUD), the Odense Maritime Technology (OMT) and BV, the consortium will conduct a project that aims to identify cost-effective risk control options for...


Bureau Veritas approves lightweight rudder flap from InfraCore

Bureau Veritas (BV) has given an Approval in Principle (AiP) to InfraCore Company for its design, modelling, production and testing of a full glass fibre-reinforced polymer (GFRP) rudder flap for an 18,500 TEU container vessel.

The certificate was delivered as a result of the EU-funded project RAMSSES – Realisation and Demonstration of Advanced Material Solutions for Sustainable and Efficient Ships – which aims to expand the application and usage of innovative materials to build more efficient...


Bureau Veritas approves new retrofit concept for large container vessels

COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry (CHI Zhoushan) shipyard, together with the technological expert in membrane containment systems GTT and the naval consultancy and engineering firm Alwena Shipping, have received an Approval in Principle (AiP) from the classification society Bureau Veritas (BV) for a new retrofit concept, combining LNG fuel conversion and increase of length (jumboization) for very large container ships.

The jumboization and the conversion of the propulsion and electrical generation...


GAC Bunker Fuels’ Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions calculations verified by Bureau Veritas

GAC Bunker Fuels’ Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions calculations verified by Bureau Veritas

First GAC company to calculate and establish its emissions

Dubai, United Arab Emirates: 19 January 2022 – GAC Bunker Fuels’ Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions calculations have been verified by Bureau Veritas UK Limited, the world leader in audit and certification services, crossing a new milestone in its goal to be net carbon zero by 2030.
Carbon emissions are classified into categories or “scopes”. GAC Bunker...


Bureau Veritas and NAPA improve hull design approvals

The maritime software, services and data analysis provider National Automotive Parts Association (NAPA) and the testing, inspection and certification services provider Bureau Veritas (BV) have announced their partnership to enable more effective and general use of 3D models in the class approval process.

Through this partnership, the two parties aim to improve the overall efficiency and accuracy of future vessel design and solve the current challenges associated with 2D drawings.

“While naval...


Brittany Ferries new LNG-fuelled Salamanca cruise ferry enters Bureau Veritas classification

Brittany Ferries new LNG-fuelled Salamanca cruise ferry enters Bureau Veritas classification

The ‘Salamanca’ 

Paris-La Défense, France – January 6th, 2022: Bureau Veritas (BV), a world leader in testing, inspection, and certification, has taken delivery into class the brand-new cruise ferry Salamanca, built at China Merchants Jinling in Weihai, China. Powered by natural gas, the 1,015-passenger ferry will be operated by Brittany Ferries on its route between Portsmouth, in the UK, and Bilbao and...


Bureau Veritas validates feeder’s wind assisted propulsion system

The testing, inspection, and certification services provider Bureau Veritas (BV) has delivered an Approval in Principle (AiP) to the maritime company Zéphyr & Borée for its first open-top 1,800TEU container ship, demonstrating the feasibility of using wind-propelled wing-sails on this type of vessel.

“Wind propulsion systems can play a significant role by providing substantial propulsive energy,” stated the Senior Vice President Technical & Operations at Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore, Laurent...


Decarbonization and New Technologies dominated the Bureau Veritas Hellenic Marine Technical Committee Meeting

Decarbonization and New Technologies dominated the Bureau Veritas Hellenic Marine Technical Committee Meeting

BV ‘s HMTC Members 

The 33rd Hellenic Marine Technical Committee Meeting of Bureau Veritas Piraeus was held on the 18th November 2021 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, physically after two years of imposed restrictions due to the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was hosted by Mr. George Andreadis, Marine Chief Executive of Bureau Veritas Greece and was chaired by the Committee...


Bureau Veritas and BESSÉ partner to enhance maritime cyber security

Responding to the increasing threat of cyber-attacks in the maritime sector, Bureau Veritas (BV), a specialist in testing, inspection, and certification, and insurance consultancy major BESSÉ have announced a partnership to support shipowners to improve their cyber security and cyber insurance.

This partnership will see BESSÉ and BV combine their expertise to help shipping stakeholders manage the risk of cyber-attacks, which has risen in recent years, particularly for shipowners. This will also...
