Maersk wins China cargo relay extension

Maersk has won an additional two years for domestic container transshipments between ports in China.

China’s Transport Ministry this week announced an extension of the pilot cabotage program through December 2027.

The program aims to improve domestic export and import container flows between Yangshan port in Shanghai and select ports in northern China. It will also give Maersk (MAERSK-A.CO) more service options in Asia. 

A Maersk spokesperson confirmed the extension in an email to FreightWaves....

Costly, expensive, citizen-hurting cabotage rules to be scrapped… in Chile

In a stunning twist, the Government has proposed that it should scrap its expensive cabotage policy – the government of Chile that is. Chile’s Merchant Navy Law (Decree 3059/79) currently […]

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Shipping Australia welcomes Productivity Commission Draft Report into Australia’s Maritime Logistics

Pictured: tugs push a box ship into berth at a container port. Photo credit: William William via Unsplash.

The draft report of the Productivity Commission’s Australian Maritime Logistics System is long, so we will be analysing it today, and later publishing selected items in our newsletter and on our website.

From the ocean shipping industry’s viewpoint, the draft report is somewhat of a curate’s egg (mostly good, partly adverse), but, pleasingly, the vast majority of the draft report aligns with...

Πίεση στο υπουργείο Ναυτιλίας για πλήρη άρση του cabotage για τα επαγγελματικά σκάφη αναψυχής

Αλλεπάλληλες συναντήσεις με φορείς και επαγγελματίες του κλάδου yachting έχουν οι αρμόδιοι του υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής, με αφορμή την διαβούλεση για το νομοσχέδιο του Υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής με τίτλο «Εκσυγχρονισμός του θεσμικού πλαισίου για τη δραστηριοποίηση των πλοίων αναψυχής και των τουριστικών ημερόπλοιων, την ενίσχυση της ανταγωνιστικότητας του κλάδου των επαγγελματικών πλοίων αναψυχής και άλλες διατάξεις». Το βασικό σημείο του ν/σ είναι η άρση...

New TMS provider takes LTL-specific challenges head-on

From surging demand to constrained capacity, shippers have faced serious headwinds the past couple of years. Rates have skyrocketed, shortages have plagued almost every sector and consumer demands have strengthened. On top of all that, LTL shippers have faced new carrier limits, adding more stress to their already-taxed supply chains.

Many LTL carriers have lowered caps from 16 linear feet to 12 linear feet, either denying freight that exceeds those limits or instituting punitive pricing...

Behind allegations Mexican truckers are breaking US cabotage rules — Long-Haul Crime Log

Mexican trucks near the U.S- Mexico border.

This week’s episode of FreightWaves’ true-crime podcast, Long-Haul Crime Log, investigates one of the most controversial issues in cross-border trucking: cabotage violations. In the U.S., these occur when truckers based in Mexico or Canada illegally transport domestic freight. 

Co-host and FreightWaves reporter Noi Mahoney digs into recent allegations that truckers from Mexico are doing illegal runs within the U.S. and why it may be hurting the industry on both sides of the border.

Mexican truck...

AskWaves: Can foreign-based trucks haul domestic US freight?

A truck and a border patrol vehicle pass near the U.S. Mexico Border. Cabotage regulations heavily restrict what trucks from Mexico and the Canada can do in the U.S.

Under most circumstances, commercial trucks based in foreign countries — Canada and Mexico — cannot haul domestic freight between two points in the U.S. That principle stems from laws and regulations governing cabotage: the point-to-point transportation of goods within a country by a foreign operator.

Things get a little more complicated, though, when it comes to the finer points of law. A section of the Code of Federal Regulations relating to customs technically creates an opening for domestic...