NTSB chair: Freight trains should also have image recording devices

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The chair of the National Transportation Safety Board said a new federal rule requiring the...


Picture perfect: Smart camera technology to show what really happens in trailers

Increasing capacity, managing operating and insurance costs are top concerns for motor carriers.

Backlogged equipment orders and labor shortages are making it difficult to keep up with growing freight demand. Indexes that track outbound load tender rejections by carriers — an indicator of how tight capacity is — are currently four times higher than normal market rates. This trend will likely continue before peak retail season arrives.

Tight capacity is creating healthy freight rates, but rising...


Rotterdam port’s security enhanced with 227 cameras

Tuesday, 16 October – The Port of Rotterdam Authority (PoR) signed a contract with Securitas Technology BV for the installation of 227 cameras in the port and industrial area. The contract is a logical consequence of the ‘Camera surveillance for the Port of Rotterdam’ agreement that was signed on 13 June by Customs, the Police, Deltalinqs, the Municipality of Rotterdam and PoR for the installation of a joint camera infrastructure. The first 25 cameras will be installed on Maasvlakte 2 this year.
