Keelvar solutions drive ‘customer-centric’ procurement

The transportation bidding process has historically been time consuming and difficult for many midsize to large, global enterprises to manage without proper in-house tools. As capacity in various transportation modes tightens, supply chain participants have invested capital in ways to automate bidding procedures in order to optimize capacity networks for overall supply chain resilience.

Keelvar, a sourcing optimization and automation software company, believes the transportation sector has one...

3PL Summit: The new normal for procuring capacity

George Abernathy and Danny Loe at FreightWaves 3PL Summit

This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ 3PL Summit

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: The new normal and adjusting in the face of a capacity crunch

DETAILS: A look at changes brought about by the pandemic and how shippers are approaching transportation capacity.

INTERVIEWER and SPEAKER: George Abernathy, president of FreightWaves, and Danny Loe, president of asset-light logistics and chief yield officer for ArcBest.

BIO: Loe was tapped to lead ArcBest’s asset-light segment in September in addition to...

Bargain hunters beware: No time to shop for airfreight deals

Wing of a plane viewed from behind the plane, with cargo being loaded in side door.

Businesses requiring air transport to move goods are putting on their big boy pants as they accept the harsh reality of the air cargo market in 2021: If you want to play, you have to pay.

Volatility and uncertainty are the watchwords for the air cargo sector, but analysts and logistics professionals say extremely tight capacity and elevated freight rates are here to stay for the rest of the year, with none of the usual doldrums until the fall holiday rush. And finding aircraft with cargo slots...

More regional supply chain visibility may be the cure for toxic port congestion

The response by shipping lines to booming demand and the congestion crisis has triggered a “vicious cycle” of yard logjams at ports around the world.
According to Drewry, while agile shipping lines have been able to swiftly add capacity on the fastest-growing tradelanes, the container terminals and landside operators have struggled to keep up.
Eleanor Hadland, senior analyst for ports and terminals, explained: “The assets of the landside elements of the supply …

The post More regional supply...

Vietnam recovery held back by steep ocean rates and box woes

It’s getting harder and harder for SMEs to find container shipping space ex-Vietnam, opting instead for short-term storage.
Demand for Vietnamese goods is higher than ever, according to forwarders in Ho Chi Minh City, but only multinationals can afford the current steep freight rates.
Tom Tabouring, sales manager at Tin Nghia Logistics, told The Loadstar: “SMEs are looking for overflow warehousing space since they can’t afford – or are not willing to …

The post Vietnam recovery held back by...

Boxship owners see 13-year high in charter rates as carriers hunt for tonnage

Containership charter rates have hit 13-year highs and shipowners are locking these in with carriers on three- and five-year charters.
Alphaliner says the supply of container tonnage “remains tight across the board” as unrelenting cargo demand and chronic port congestion tie up the world’s  box ship fleet.
The consultant’s Charter Rate Index has reached its highest level in 13 years and it said that with the outlook bullish for owners, they would …

The post Boxship owners see 13-year high in...

Call for Vietnam to make its own boxes as it probes shipping rate hikes

As key agricultural industries feel the effect of the spike in freight rates and lack of empty containers, Vietnam is the latest country to question the prices charged by shipping lines.
According to local media, the Vietnam Maritime Administration (VMA) has set up a working group to “remove difficulties for export activities and ensure transparency in the listing of freight prices”.
VMA deputy head Hoang Hong Giang told the Vietnam News Agency: “The …

The post Call for Vietnam to make its own...

Telematics help maximize existing capacity and decrease driver dwell times

Truck picks up containers at port

The fight to secure trucks continues into late January, even after the expected loosening of post-holiday capacity when volumes ease and drivers return to the road. While tender rejections are following a seasonal downward pattern, the levels are much higher than two years prior and carriers are still rejecting almost one out of every four tenders at contract rates. 

SONAR: OTRI.USA (2020/21 – Blue; 2020 – Orange; 2019 – Green)

What makes this capacity issue even more complicated is that driver...

India’s ocean capacity crunch ‘nightmare’ continues – Maersk’s rail solution

As the ocean freight capacity crunch rolls on, Maersk has launched a cross-country rail service in India.
Running over 2,000km, from Kolkata, in the north-east, to Nhava Sheva port in Mumbai, Maersk put on the dedicated train service for one of the country’s largest exporters of iron pipes.
Maersk said using rail allowed it to “overcome the challenges of space availability and connectivity, at a time when exporters were looking for ways …

The post India’s ocean capacity crunch ‘nightmare’...

Breakbulk revival as box shipping prices itself out of the market

Container shipping’s capacity crunch has priced some agricultural and chemical commodities out of the market – in favour of breakbulk.
And the de-containerisation trend could spread to other cargo categories, according to Estonia-based freight forwarder CF&S.
The company recently loaded 700 tons of fertilisers, feed, and chemicals from Xingang to Hamburg in big bags on a multipurpose vessel.
“Due to the huge rise in prices for container sea freight from China to Europe, …

The post Breakbulk...