CO2 Purity Will Impact Onboard Containment System Design

Credits: Ben Wicks/ Unsplash

Different onboard CO2 capture technology types result in different levels of purity, and this will have a significant impact on containment systems, reports the Motorship quoting Rupert Hare, CEO of design and engineering consultancy, Houlder.

Onboard carbon capture

Somewhat ironically, the shipping industry’s decarbonisation and progress towards the IMO’s 2030 and 2050 goals may be hindered by a shortage of high purity CO2 and compounded by a lack of transportation...

Bright Future for LNG-fueled Vessels With Carbon Capture Systems

In contrary to the World Bank point of view, there is a bright future for LNG in the decarbonization of the shipping industry. The World Bank report seemed to have missed an important recent technical development: Marine Carbon Capture Systems.

Recently, great progress has been achieved regarding the capturing of CO2 from the exhaust of LNG-fueled ships.

Carbon capture technology

Among others, R&D in the Netherlands – by Conoship, TNO Delft and other partners – leads to feasible and practical...

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