Cargo theft trends on global supply chains during 2019

The transport and logistic insurer TT Club along with the global provider BSI issued the “Cargo Theft Report 2020” highlighting the impact of cargo theft on the global supply chain, while giving its recommendations of how theft risks can be reduced.

During 2019, both organizations marked several key trends concerning cargo theft incidents. In fact, these trends include both the enormous targeting of cargo trucks for theft in comparison to all other modalities as wells as the food and beverage...

Cargo theft: Trends and countermeasures of a billion-dollar problem

Cargo theft is a global challenge with a major negative impact on supply chains and the world’s economy, affecting not only the shipping and logistics industry, but also consumers, retailers and insurers. To put this into context, cargo crime has costed an estimated US$22.6 billion in 2015, while the top five natural disasters costed a collective $33 billion, research from the British Standards Institute (BSI) has indicated.

What is cargo theft

Cargo theft is the situation where perpetrators are...

More ‘slash and grab’ cargo theft from trucks and ‘inside jobs’ are on the up

Thefts from trucks remain the biggest criminal risk in logistics, accounting for 84% of cargo theft.
But along with the problem of unsecured parking, the TT Club reports a rising trend of thefts by ‘insiders’. 
TT Club, in partnership with BSI Supply Chain Services & Solutions, yesterday released a report on global cargo theft, that says ‘slash and grab’ is the most common type, accounting for 27%, with 29% of the crimes happening …

The post More ‘slash and grab’ cargo theft from trucks and...

Gateway Magazine: Cargo theft alert (BIV)

There’s an enterprising group in Canada other than retailers that annually mark their business calendars with holly and other Christmas cheer in anticipation of bottom-line bounty: the fraternity of cargo thieves and smugglers. And, as it does during any holiday, long weekend or other celebratory time of the year when social distractions abound, that fraternity is looking to cash in big time.

Reports released in late 2018 from major North American insurance companies and supply chain management...