Improper Voyage Planning Causes Cargo Vessel Grounding

Credit: Dapur Melodi/Pexels

UK MAIB published its report on the grounding of the general cargo vessel Kaami, on 21 March 2020, on the west coast of Scotland.

The incident

On 19 March 2020 the general cargo vessel Kaami arrived in the port of Drogheda, Ireland to load a cargo of 1927 tonnes of solid recovered fuel (SRF)1. During the two-day port call the chief ofcer (C/O) was overseeing the cargo operations and so the master carried out chart updates on the vessel’s ECDIS and planned the voyage to...

Grounded Cargo Ship Refloated in Bosphorus, Traffic Resumes

Credits: Fazle Rabbi Fahim/Unsplash

Turkey freed a vessel that had wedged itself against the banks of the Bosphorus Strait, clearing the vital waterway that connects the Black Sea with global markets, reports Yahoo Finance.

Cargo ship refloated after running aground

Tugboats released the stranded bulk carrier after it got stuck Monday morning. The vessel, carrying peas, had run aground after its steering apparently failed en route from Ukraine to Istanbul. The strait has not yet reopened to...