Emerge adds carrier scorecard to RFP product

Procurement platform Emerge on Thursday launched an instrument within its Dynamic RFP product to assist shippers with choosing the most suitable carriers to transport their freight.

The carrier scorecards feature combines Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration records on safety and out-of-service orders with data from Emerge’s marketplace to provide its users with grades for pickup, delivery and tracking history and an overall scaled performance grade from zero to 100%.

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Check Call with Shay Lynn Dixon: Welcome to the Finer Things Club

people gathered around a desk of computers. Check Call news and analysis for 3pls and brokers

On this week’s episode of Check Call, host Mary O’Connell and Shay Lynn Dixon, CEO of Allegiant Logistics, sit down to talk about carrier sourcing and retention for high-value freight. Some of the tips for finding reliable carriers just might shock you. 

Got any pain points or things you wish were better in the supply chain and the world of transportation? Let’s chat. I’m sure someone else has a similar problem or maybe even a solution.

Also on the podcast is a quick rundown of a former owner of W...


Sales & Marketing recap: Scaling up with FreightTech

This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ Sales & Marketing Summit on Wednesday.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: Scaling up sales with FreightTech

DETAILS: Your company won new business but can it sustain it? In this fireside chat, Nick Dangles, co-founder of FreightTech consulting firm Kinetic, describes the problems of scaling sales within logistics companies and how the tech companies he works with help solve the range of challenges logistics providers inevitably face.

SPEAKER: Nick Dangles,...


Maintaining valuable relationships with a TMS

Constrained capacity has been a major issue throughout all of 2021, and is expected to continue even after the holiday season. For shippers and freight brokers, there have been serious rate increases as well as capacity constraints. Currently, there is no end in sight and sourcing capacity will likely prove difficult through at least the first quarter of 2022 as supply and demand struggle to strike a balance during the peak season.

The recent shift to online shopping has caused an e-commerce...


Arrive Logistics launches Carrier EDGE, partners with TriumphPay

On Tuesday, Arrive Logistics, a freight brokerage based in Austin, Texas, launched an online freight portal called Carrier EDGE and a partnership with TriumphPay, both aimed at creating an elevated experience for their carrier partners.

“We’re really excited to add a technology piece that will be a huge asset for our carriers,” said Justin Frees, the chief capacity officer at Arrive, in an interview with FreightWaves. “Carrier EDGE is designed to provide an experience that makes it as easy as...


Using data to build relationships — #WithSONAR

with sonar header

How one company is developing carrier relations

The internet is saturated with so many sources for data that it can be difficult to understand what data to use and how to use it. Luke Falasca and Kyle Taylor discuss using internal and external data to make better business decisions. 

They welcome Greg Morrow, director of operations at ARL Logistics and leader of a case study partnership between FreightWaves and ARL.

ARL has been in the industry — specifically drayage — for four decades, but the...
