Chelsea Enters Research Partnership With Ground-Breaking Autonomous Project ‘Mayflower’

Chelsea has been selected as a research partner to an international effort led by marine research organization Promare and will deploy a ground-breaking next generation multi-parameter algae sensor aboard the unmanned Mayflower Autonomous Ship when it embarks on its historic transatlantic voyage from Plymouth, UK, to Plymouth, Massachusetts in May.

The 15-meter vessel is designed to provide scientists with a flexible and cost-effective platform for collecting critical data about the health of...

Invested in Scrubbers? Preventative Action Necessary!

  • IMO’s 0.5% sulphur cap regulation in full swing. 
  • As a way to compliance, 4,000 vessels have installed scrubbers. 
  • Stringent wash water monitoring guidelines will be ratified in the near future. 
  • It is vital to futureproof against potentially onerous regulatory developments.
  • IMO yet to align all signatory states on one unified policy approach. 
  • Preventative action necessary for those who have invested in scrubbers to protect their significant investments and the marine environment. 


Standard Portable Sampling To Effectuate BWM Convention

Maintaining an accurate portable testing will enable enforcement of IMO’s Ballast Water Management Convention, reports Riviera Maritime Media.

Need for compliance testing

A total number of 80 states have endorse Ballast Water Management Convention impacting the operations of more than 80% of the global fleet, as of now.

As the number of ballast water treatment systems in the market continues to grow, there will be an inevitable acceleration in compliance monitoring.

It is vital that ballast water...

Chelsea Technologies appoints Elizabeth Paull as its new managing director to drive further growth at a crucial time in the maritime sector

Elizabeth Paull, managing director, Chelsea Technologies

Chelsea Technologies appoints Elizabeth Paull as its new managing director to drive further growth at a crucial time in the maritime sector

Former Sonardyne business development manager aims to further develop Chelsea Technologies as the market leader in environmental sensing technology.

07 August, 2019 – Chelsea Technologies, a world leader in the design and manufacture of sensors for the maritime sector and a Sonardyne company, has...

DNV-GL Awards Chelsea Technologies Type Approval For Sea Sentry Wash Water Monitor


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Chelsea Technologies, a world leader in the design and manufacture of sensors for the maritime sector, and a company has announced that its Sea Sentry wash water monitoring system for ship exhaust gas cleaning systems has been awarded type approval by DNV-GL. This accreditation, combined with certification for its measurement protocols from Class NK and DNV-GL, assures shipowners and operators that all available measures have been taken to verify that Sea Sentry...

Belgium To Spot Check Ships for BWMC Compliance

  • Belgium has become one of the first European nations to enforce the mandate for IMO Ballast Water Management Convention.
  • The Belgian government has selected Chelsea Technologies, a Sonardyne company, to provide benchmark portable testing for compliance with the ballast water standards.
  • Chelsea Technologies’ FastBallast portable ballast water analyzer has been chosen and will conduct spot checks on an indicative sampling of vessels arriving in Belgian ports.
  • FastBallast uses a statistical...

Chelsea Technologies announces further significant wash water monitor order from Fuji Electric

Chelsea Technologies announces further significant wash water monitor order from Fuji Electric 

Order from Japanese scrubber manufacturer reflective of the acceleration in industry-wide uptake of scrubber technology  

14 May, 2019 – Chelsea Technologies, a world leader in the design and manufacture of sensors for the maritime sector and a Sonardyne company, has today announced a significant order from Fuji Electric Company Limited for its Sea Sentry wash water monitoring system for ship exhaust...

Belgium Government Selects Chelsea Technologies For Ballast Water Compliance Benchmarking

ballast water

It was announced today that the Federal Public Service (FPS) Mobility and Transport, the arm of the Belgium government responsible for shipping, has selected Chelsea Technologies, a world leader in the design and manufacture of sensors for the maritime sector to provide benchmark portable testing for compliance with ballast water standards. This follows the Belgium government’s decision to begin testing vessels calling at its ports and terminals to ensure they can demonstrate compliance with...