MCPON Smith Under Investigation for Allegations of Misconduct

Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Russell Smith speaks with U.S. Naval War College sailors on Jan. 16, 2020. US Navy Photo

The Navy’s senior enlisted leader is under investigation for alleged misconduct, two defense officials confirmed to USNI News on Thursday.

Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Russell Smith is now the subject of a Navy Inspector General investigation for unspecified misconduct.

In a statement to USNI News, Navy spokesperson Cmdr. Reann Mommsen declined to...

Navy Retools COVID Rules for Ships After 6 Months of Practice

Chief Quartermaster David Weathers from Hines, Ore., assigned to the guided-missile destroyer USS John Paul Jones (DDG-53), stands watch in the pilothouse during a replenishment-at-sea on Sept. 29, 2020. US Navy Photo

The Navy released the third iteration of its guidance on how to continue operating a global navy in the midst of a global pandemic.

Vice Adm. Phillip Sawyer, the deputy chief of naval operations for operations, plans and strategy on the chief of naval operation’s staff (OPNAV...

Nowell: Navy Wants Diverse Recruits In All Career Fields to Lead to More Diverse Leadership

Sailors assigned to the command and control ship USS Mount Whitney (LCC-20) salute while manning the rails as the ship gets underway from Gaeta, Italy, on May 18, 2020. US Navy Photo

The chief of naval personnel said the Navy is looking at not only how much diversity is coming in the front door during recruiting but also what career fields those sailors from underrepresented groups are choosing – with concerns that women and minorities are ending up in communities with few or no opportunities to...

COVID-19 Mitigation Efforts Allowing Navy To Increase New Recruit Training Class Sizes

The Navy’s newest Sailors congratulate each other with elbow-bumps to minimize contact after a capping ceremony, marking their transition from recruit to Sailor, at Recruit Training Command. The Sailors recently completed “Battle Stations,” the crucible event that recruits must pass prior to graduation, testing their knowledge and skills in basic seamanship, watchstanding, damage control, firefighting and emergency response procedures. More than 35,000 recruits train annually at the Navy’s only...

Navy Widens Policy That Allows Retired Officers to Serve on Active Duty

The Navy is expanding a limited policy allowing retiring officers to continue serving after their retirement dates as the service balances providing stable force leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Navy previously loosened some retirement restrictions by allowing sailors and officers due to retire or separate from the service to delay their separation dates. The latest policy, released late Thursday in a NAVADMIN, further loosens the Navy’s retirement restrictions by allowing officers...

Navy Halts Travel of New Recruits to Great Lakes Boot Camp

Chief Boatswain’s Mate Omar Aleman briefs new recruits at the Golden 13 recruit in-processing center at Recruit Training Command. Navy photo

The Navy halted the travel of recruits to Great Lakes, Il., on Monday following the first positive test of COVID-19 at the Recruit Training Command, according to the chief of naval personnel.

The Navy’s boot camp is still carrying on with training activities but is doing so by following social distancing protocols and limiting group sizes for training...

Navy Offering Delayed Retirements, Separations to Help Maintain Readiness During Pandemic

Cmdr. Samuel Young and his flagmen conduct a passing of the flag ceremony for his retirement. Cmdr. Young is retiring as the Future Operations Officer for Carrier Strike Group Two. Navy Photo

To maintain fleet readiness during COVID-19-related training and movement restrictions, Navy officials are allowing officers and enlisted sailors to delay pending retirements and separations for up to a year. At the same time, the service is also welcoming back to active duty recently departed personnel.


Submarine Community Can’t Meet Demand From Female Sailors

ARLINGTON, Va. — The Navy has more women seeking to serve on submarines that it has room for, according to both the Atlantic and Pacific submarine force master chiefs.

Master Chief John Perryman, the force master chief for the submarine force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, and Master Chief Kevin Scarff, the force master chief for the submarine force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, detailed some of the staffing challenges facing the Navy’s submarine community during the annual Naval Submarine League Symposium on...

Vice. Adm. Mike Gilday Formally Nominated to be Next CNO

Vice Adm. Mike Gilday

President Donald Trump officially nominated Vice Adm. Mike Gilday to be the 32nd Chief of Naval Operations on July 17, according to a Senate notification reviewed by USNI News.

Gilday, a career surface warfare officer and a 1985 U.S. Naval Academy graduate, will replace outgoing CNO Adm. John Richardson, who is bound by law to step down from the position by Sept. 17.

Gilday, currently the director of the Joint Staff, was selected to become CNO when Adm. Bill Moran, who had...