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The post FreightWaves Infographics: US imposes tariffs on Chinese steel shipped through Mexico appeared first on FreightWaves.
The global fleet of cargo carrying ships consists of around 61,000 ships with a deadweight capacity of about 2,200 million tonnes. The ships owned by Greek and Chinese shipping companies contribute 34% of the total fleet’s deadweight tonne capacity, says an article published on bimco website.
Greek Shipping Industry
New Turkish insurance rules on oil tankers carrying Russian crude continue to slow down the movement of tankers off the coast of Turkey and between Russia’s Black Sea ports and the Mediterranean, says an article published on Cncb.
Insurance clearanceSixteen vessels (none Russian-flagged) are waiting for insurance clearance, according to MarineTraffic, and that number is expected to grow.
Russian-flagged tankers
Based on MarineTraffic data, 35 vessels including nine...
Chinese LNG buyers have begun enquiring for December-January spot deliveries as LNG spot prices continue to retreat, says an article published Argus Media.
More price-drivenBut this move is likely more price-driven, not a result of buyers in China being short on gas, market participants said.
Firm start purchasing spotAt least one Chinese national oil company (NOC) has confirmed that it is currently seeking December or January spot cargoes, since prices have softened enough to make it viable for...
Artist Rendering of Chinese DF-ZF Experimental Vehicle
China is leading the world in hypersonic technology due to Beijing setting a clear investment strategy to its industrial base, a panel of national security experts said Monday.
“[The U.S.] commercial sector [and] Silicon Valley will never ever develop” the technologies associated with hypersonic weapons, Roger Zakheim, a member of the National Defense Strategy Commission, said at the Hudson Institute.
“The capability is going to come from the...
UK P&I Club issued a reminder for its members that from 1 January, 2019, all seagoing ships sailing in Chinese territorial waters will need to use fuel with a sulphur content of no higher than 0.5% m/m.
Local correspondents of the UK P&I club, the insurance agency Huatai, have provided an update on the early implementation of the next stage of fuel sulphur regulations which are issued by the Chinese Ministry of Transport.
This new regulation introduces some substantial changes to the existing ECA...