Nikola will make Plus autonomous truck technology standard in 2024

Nikola Corp. will test autonomous driving software from Plus on its battery- and fuel cell-electric trucks later this year and become the first zero-tailpipe-emission truck maker to make it standard in 2024.

Plus requires drivers in the cab as it opens up more autonomous features through its PlusDrive system. It is aiming for driverless operation. But it wants to log 8 billion miles of operation with safety drivers monitoring the technology before removing the driver.

The Plus automated driving...

Locomation signs up 3rd trucking company to test autonomous technology

LAS VEGAS — Locomation’s autonomous vehicle technology now has a third trucking company as a partner.

Stafford, Missouri-based Christenson Transportation will test Locomation’s autonomous relay technology on 500 miles of routes on three interstates operating out of its hub in Nashville, Tennessee.”

Cetin Mercli, Locomation’s co-founder and CEO, used the platform of the Truckload Carriers Association to make the announcement.

At the press conference announcing the signing, Don Christenson, CEO of...

Exclusiva: Christenson Transportation adquiere la empresa familiar Sharp

Christenson Transportation anunció el lunes que está ampliando su red de carga con la reciente adquisición de Sharp Transport Inc.

La adquisición de la empresa familiar Sharp Transport, con sede en Ethridge, Tennessee, que cuenta con aproximadamente 120 conductores, incluyendo una mezcla de conductores de empresa y operadores propietarios, hace que la flota de Christenson Transportation, con sede en Strafford, Missouri, cuente con casi 300 conductores y añadirá alrededor de 240 tractores y 940...