Why more and more marine businesses are opting for one-stop-shop technology suppliers

Why more and more marine businesses are opting for one-stop-shop technology suppliers

Jakub Kwiatkowski, Vice President R&D, Hatteland Technology AS

In our current market, where focus on cost and Time to Market is higher than ever, we see a clear trend in which more and more marine businesses gravitate towards technology suppliers who can provide a multitude of products and services through one single point of contact.

These one-stop-shops offer comprehensive support covering many aspects of their...


The www.allaboutshipping.co.uk Top Women in Shipping for 2020

The www.allaboutshipping.co.uk Top Women in Shipping for 2020

Irene Rosberg

The www.allaboutshipping.co.uk Top Women in Shipping for 2020

By Anny Zade

We are pleased to announce that 189 women out of 1,580 participating from almost all sectors of the entire Shipping spectrum shared the Top 100 places. What a fierce but friendly competition that was from our sea-maidens emanating from all over Planet Ocean. Despite the despicable situation we live in as we are in a double recession, despite another...


Final Reminder – Extension: Top 100 Women in Shipping nominations for 2020 under the auspices of www.allaboutshipping.co.uk – Voting

Final Reminder – Extension : Top 100 Women in Shipping nominations for 2020 under the auspices of www.allaboutshipping.co.uk – Voting

Dear all,

A very good morning / afternoon / evening all over Planet Ocean!

Hope you are all well and your businesses and organisations continue functioning as smoothly as possible under the Coronavirus anathema as we have branded this virus…

We would like to inform you that due to a surge in voting during these closing stages as well as the fact that many viewers,...


ELCOME is 50!

ELCOME is 50!

Jimmy Grewal, Executive Director, Elcome International

This year Elcome International is celebrating its 50th anniversary, having been in business since 1970. So it seemed a good time to ask for the company’s reflections on how the ship service segment has evolved and where it’s going.  To that end, we took the opportunity to talk with Jimmy Grewal, Executive Director, and son of one of the founders.

Based in Dubai, Elcome is a turnkey solutions provider of navigation, communication,...


Changing our way of work at CIRM

Frances Baskerville, Secretary-General, CIRM

Changing our way of work at CIRM

by Frances Baskerville, Secretary-General, CIRM

The ritual of arriving at the office and heading for the kitchen to gather a mug of tea and settle with colleagues is not happening at CIRM. We’ve gone GREEN in the maximum! All of us are at home, no one is travelling; we have moved all our kit to our respective homes and we are going to stay like this.

This change to our working practice was actually made long before...


Telemedicine availability – an essential component for every voyage

Dr Chris Henny

Telemedicine availability  – an essential component for every voyage

by Dr Chris Henny, Managing Director of  Maxess SPRL

Chris is well known to CIRM companies having been a valuable contributing member for many years at our meetings, workshops, the IMO and ITU etc.

Vital signs and health monitoring, using a Telemedicine system on a regular basis, easily work over all satellite and cellular systems , can help alleviate these problems, and can be a huge benefit both to crew...


The (temporary?) loss of physical presence and the development new communication techniques.

The (temporary?) loss of physical presence and the development new communication techniques.

We’ve all fared differently over the last few months, but personally speaking, I’ve found ‘lock-down’ very difficult in many ways.  At first I rather enjoyed the very certain instruction to stay at home.  I was able to focus and concentrate on work well and the peace, particularly the time to think, develop ideas and lack of interruption, suited me.  As time went on however, at around the six week...


Importance of Shipping to Cyprus; what does the future hold?

Takis Taoushanis

Importance of Shipping to Cyprus; what does the future hold?

by Takis Taoushanis*, Company Director SRH Marine SAIT

Under certain conditions and with the right support from the Government and other public bodies, Cyprus shipping can be the driving force for the revitalisation of the Cypriot economy. This has happened in the past and it is envisaged that shipping can again assist to pull the country out of recession. Shipping continues to contribute approximately 7% of GDP,...


AMSA – Navigating in the future

Nick Lemon, Manager Systems Safety Standards

AMSA – Navigating in the future

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) provides the major aids to navigation (AtoN) around Australia’s 60,000 km coastline.  We have about 480 AtoN at 390 sites, including 62 lighthouses that have heritage significance.  There are, of course, many other AtoN in Australia which are provided by state and territory governments and port authorities. 

A wide variety of AtoN provide spatial awareness and aid ships to...


Hydrogen attracts attention as a potential future carbon-free fuel

Gerd Petra Haugom

Hydrogen attracts attention as a potential future carbon-free fuel

by  DNV GL expert Gerd Petra Haugom Principal Consultant

Building a marine supply infrastructure as part of a future hydrogen society

DNV GL customers in many industries are starting their decarbonization journey. Hydrogen has become one of the potential fuels for future transport needs. It is also seen as a solution in other industries’ decarbonization road maps.

As a transport fuel, hydrogen has already become a...
