Santander suma un nuevo servicio ro-ro semanal con el puerto irlandés de Cork

CLdN ha estrenado un nuevo servicio de carga rodada entre Santander y Cork (Irlanda) a través de una línea semanal, vía Zeebrugge (Bélgica), consecuencia del nuevo servicio ro-ro estrenado por la compañía entre Cork y Zeebrugge, como parte de su proceso de expansión en el mercado de transporte entre Bélgica e Irlanda.

El servicio ro-ro de trailers, semirremolques, contenedores, mercancía estática sobre mafi y cargas de proyecto saldrá de Santander todos los viernes para llegar a Cork los martes...

Brexit breaking service links Ireland to Europe

Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de Navigation (CLdN) commenced a new service on 24 April linking Ireland and Belgium in a move that will allow truck operators to by-pass the UK landbridge to European destinations after Britain leaves the EU in December.

Customs regulations are due to become mandatory between the UK and the EU from 1 January unless the transition period for negotiating the UK’s relationship with its closest neighbours is extended. It is understood that the extension must be agreed by...

CLdN Added 37 km Of RoRo Capacity In Two Years Next Step: LNG And More Ships

HERMINE is yet another newbuilding for CLdN. She started to operate last week from Zeebrugge to the UK. She’s the last unit of a 5,400 lane meter quartet of Hyundai Mipo built roro ships, including LAURELINE, YSALINE and SIXTINE. Before, two larger 8,000 lane meter roro’s were delivered, the CELINE...

CLdN and Brittany Ferries Are Part of the Success of Port of Santander

The Spanish Port of Santander closes the first half year with an increase in total traffic of 9.6% and 6.2 million tons of cargo. It is the best half year of the last five years and represents a clear recovery of merchandise traffic since the drop experienced in 2016. On the ferry side, the line...