Clean Arctic Alliance: The time is now to tackle underwater noise from shipping in Arctic waters

The Clean Arctic Alliance is calling on the maritime sector to reduce the impact of underwater noise from shipping on Arctic wildlife.

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Arctic Council urged to ‘act now’ on reducing black carbon emissions from shipping

The Clean Arctic Alliance and its member organization, Norway-based Bellona, called on the Arctic Council to take action to reduce black carbon and greenhouse gas emissions from shipping in the Arctic.

The post Arctic Council urged to ‘act now’ on reducing black carbon emissions from shipping...

Clean Arctic Alliance calls for ‘rapid’ creation of Arctic green shipping corridors

The Clean Arctic Alliance, a global campaign made up of 20 international non-for-profit organisations, has written to the ministers from Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands to propose a number of domestic and international actions which would help to rapidly kick-start the...

NGOs Demand IMO Kick-Starts Shipping Decarbonisation To Cut Arctic Melt

NGOs Demand IMO Kick-Starts Shipping Decarbonisation To Cut Arctic Melt

As a meeting of the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (IMO, MEPC 78, June 6-10) opens today, the Clean Arctic Alliance called on the IMO to deliver urgent action to curb climate impacts on the Arctic, by delivering meaningful short-term measures that would kick-start dramatic reductions in global greenhouse gas and black carbon emissions from shipping this decade.

The IMO is set to address short-term measures to reduce GHG emissions, mid-term measures...

Pre-MEPC 77 Briefing: Arctic Warming – How Will IMO & Shipping Industry Respond to COP26 Outcome?

Pre-MEPC 77 Briefing: Arctic Warming – How Will IMO & Shipping Industry Respond to COP26 Outcome?

What: A Clean Arctic Alliance online briefing ahead of MEPC 77 – (45 mins)
Why: The IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee  meets 22-26 November 
When: Wednesday, 17 November 2021  – 16:00 GMT (UK time)
Who: Clean Arctic Alliance
Where: On Zoom – register here
What are the implications for the IMO from COP26’s outcomes? What are the priorities for IMO member states regarding shipping’s impact on...

COP26 Event: Reducing ships’ black carbon emissions to protect the Arctic

COP26 Event: Reducing ships’ black carbon emissions to protect the Arctic

Friday 5th November, 14.20 – in the Cryosphere Pavilion (Blue Zone), Scottish Event Centre (SEC), COP26, Glasgow and livestreamed

Speakers will address the Arctic cryosphere crisis, the implications for the people of the Arctic and the planet as a whole, implications for health and the role of shipping in reducing impacts through black carbon reductions.

  • Prof. Dirk Notz, University of Hamburg/Max Planck Institute for...

IPCC Report on Climate Crisis: Clean Arctic Alliance Calls for Black Carbon Cuts from Shipping

IPCC Report on Climate Crisis: Clean Arctic Alliance Calls for Black Carbon Cuts from Shipping

Geneva, 9 August 2021:- Responding to today’s publication of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis, the Clean Arctic Alliance called on the International Maritime Organization to make immediate cuts to black carbon emissions from shipping in the Arctic, and to urgently reduce black carbon emissions globally [1]. 
The Alliance also...

Council Must Act to Protect Arctic from Shipping Impacts

Clean Arctic Alliance: Council must act to protect the Arctic from shipping impacts, says an article on Safety4sea.

To cut black carbon emissions

Ahead of this week’s Arctic Council gathering in Iceland, an international coalition of 22 non-profit organizations is calling on Arctic foreign ministers to demonstrate global leadership by agreeing to cut black carbon emissions from shipping and to take effective action on Arctic-wide elimination of heavy fuel oil.

As Dr. Sian Prior, Lead Advisor to...