Paccar takes deliberate approach to electrification

Look up the word deliberation in a dictionary. It perfectly describes Paccar’s approach to trucking electrification. Sure, the company offers nine commercial electric trucks for those who want them, but there is little froth.

Paccar’s patience with electrification

de-lib-er-ate: adjective/dəˈlib(ə)rət/

done consciously and intentionally. engage in long and careful consideration.

Paccar CEO Preston Feight is nothing if not consistent when it comes to the role electric vehicles will play in his...

103-year-old startup? Cummins’ New Power sector signals evolving identity

Striking a cultural balance between old-line manufacturer and startup-minded developer of hydrogen and electrification technologies foreshadows a day when Cummins Inc. will be better known for low-carbon initiatives than the diesel engines that marked the company’s first century.

The question of a transition to a new identity doesn’t take CEO Tom Linebarger by surprise, though it is not the kind of query he usually fields from industry analysts on quarterly earnings calls.

“I think at its core...

Faster. Cheaper. Greener: Accenture’s plan for a sustainable last mile

As e-commerce packages zip across the country from warehouse to doorstep, the number of emissions continue to grow. The king of the genre, Amazon’s (NASDAQ: AMZN) Jeff Bezos, claims that e-commerce is more environmentally friendly than in-store shopping.

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