When oil is spilled: What happens next?

Oil spills logistics, reporting, and cleanup are complicated.

Most people know about large oil spills in the ocean such as the Exxon Valdez or Deepwater Horizon disasters, but smaller spills on land and in water occur every day. The reporting, response, cleanup and restoration processes have improved with technology and lessons learned.

But logistical challenges remain. Among them, experts have to decide when to halt cleanup efforts that may be doing more harm than good.

Companies must have contingency plans with oil spill response organizations (OSROs) in...


Best transportation companies for female employees named

The Women In Trucking Association (WIT) has released its 2020 list of the top transportation companies for females.

The annual Top Companies for Women to Work for in Transportation list was created by WIT magazine Redefining the Road in 2018 as part of its mission to promote the accomplishments of businesses focused on the employment of females in the trucking industry.

Companies making the list this year were listed alphabetically, beginning with AGT Global Logistics, founded and led by Angela...
