IMO to agree on new shipping emission cut actions

As the International Maritime Organization (IMO) meeting on reducing climate-heating emissions from the shipping sector (Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Ships, ISWG-GHG 18) kicks off this week, the Clean Shipping Coalition is urging the UN shipping body to reach agreements on the following issues:

Global Fuel/Energy Standards

Establishing clear and enforceable fuel and energy standards will drive the shift toward clean energy. By encouraging early...

Final Chances To Avert Shipping’s Breach Of Paris Agreement

Credit: christian-lue-unsplashCredit: christian-lue-unsplash

Last Chance To Prevent Shipping’s Breach Of Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C Temperature Limit, reveals a Maritime Fair Trade news source.

IMO climate negotiations this week

Civil society groups are deeply concerned about developments at the UN’s International Maritime Organization (IMO) climate negotiations this week (ISWG-GHG-15), in particular regarding the 2030 and 2040 climate targets that are necessary to put global shipping on a...

CSC: Stronger 2030/2040 targets needed to boost climate action on shipping

Governments must use the upcoming meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Greenhouse Gases (ISWG-GHG-14) to support stronger science-based climate targets for 2030 and 2040 that are vital for shipping’s energy transition, according to Clean Shipping Coalition (CSC).

The post CSC: Stronger...

VLSFO Blends Leads To Higher Carbon Emission, IMO To Take A Call

  • Very low sulphur fuel oil blends face a potential ban after a new study suggests they result in greater black carbon emissions than conventional heavy fuel oil or distillates.
  • Four NGOs are calling on the International Maritime Organization to change its rules and ban VLSFO blends that increase black carbon emissions.
  • It includes in a new proposal to the sub-committee on pollution and prevention response — a technical environmental body that meets in late February in London.
  • The group will...

New IMO proposals to cut shipping emissions have ‘too many loopholes’

IMO member states have been urged by environmental campaigners to reject shipping emission proposals from an IMO intersessional working group.
After meeting this week the group’s Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships (J/5) draft text will be forwarded to the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), scheduled for 16-20 November, where parties are expected to adopt the recommendations.
However, campaigners argued that the J/5 proposals violate the IMO’s own initial greenhouse...

IMO concludes draft carbon deal, in face of green lobby objections

Delegates at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) intersessional meeting have agreed draft measures on cutting the carbon intensity from existing ships, amid some acrimony over the discussions as the environmental lobby pressure shipping to do more.

The latest proposals are expected to be agreed at the next Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 75 set for 16-20 November, but some environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have said that the proposals do not go far...

Battle to ban scrubbers heats up, despite claims of even lower-sulphur results

Scrubbers are removing more sulphur from exhaust gas emissions than actually required by the IMO 2020 sulphur cap regulations, according to the Clean Shipping Alliance (CSA) ship operator members.
On 1 January, the limit on sulphur emissions for maritime shipping was cut from 3.5% to 0.5%, but scrubber technology is capable of reducing the level to 0.1%, the maximum allowed for ships transiting designated SECA (sulphur emission control area) regions of …

The post Battle to ban scrubbers heats...

Anger at ‘bureaucratic’ IMO’s ‘lack of urgency’ on cleaning up shipping

The IMO has decided on a goal-setting approach by member states to decarbonise shipping, rather than progress the proposals put forward by some members for a mandatory speed reduction on vessels.  
The strategy, decided last week in London, not to opt for speed restrictions has angered the members of the Clean Shipping Coalition (CSC) who blasted the IMO for its “bureaucracy” and “lack of urgency”. 
An IMO working group agreed a draft text that will be put forward to the …

The post Anger at...