Why Cleaves is bullish on bulkers

The latest weekly report from Oslo-headquartered Cleaves Securities makes some optimistic predictions for the dry bulk sector. Noting that the Baltic Dry Index reached 3,053 points on Friday, the highest level since June 2010, Cleaves says the new 10-year high comes on the back of strong demand for dry bulk commodities, especially from China.

A Capesize is now earning $41k/d (highest since September 2013), a Panamax reached $28k/d in March (highest since June 2010) and a Supramax is now earning...


Dry Bulk Market In Limelight With Recent Freight Rate Surge

Interest in the dry bulk shipping segment, a sector that has been off the radar for more than a decade, is getting strong, against the backdrop of surging freight rates driven by an unexpected commodity boom during the Covid-19 pandemic, reports The Edge Markets.

Doubled average rates

The Baltic Exchange Dry Index, which tracks freight rates across different vessel sizes, started the year higher than pre-pandemic levels, and is currently double its five-year average at 2,472 points as key markets...


Earnings for Non-Eco Tonnage Drop Into Negative Territory

According to Cleaves Securities’ latest Shipping Weekly, VLCC owners saw average earnings for non-eco tonnage drop into negative territory for the first time since its records began in 1990, reports Riviera.

What Data Suggests

Although similar reports were voiced earlier this year, Cleaves qualified the injuries being taken in the VLCC sector. It notes that the VLCC base rate of negative US$886 per day is for a generic non-eco, non-scrubber 2010-built VLCC.

This is no longer representative, noted...


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