- To comply with the Sulphur regulation, scrubbers are turning out to be a favourite for the ship-owners due to cost and convenience.
- More than 10 countries, including major ones like China, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, California, Germany and more, banning the open-loop scrubbers.
- The benefit of using the scrubbers is that ships with scrubbers can continue to run on the cheaper bunker fuel.
- A whole new fuel-system has to be installed and replacing to compliant fuel is an expensive process.
- Scrubber is...
Closed Type Scrubber
Singapore Authorities Advise on Scrubber Residue Offload Procedure
The Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has issued advice on reception facilities for waste from closed-loop scrubbers, which is classified as toxic, says an article published in Seatrade Maritime News.
MPA assured reception facility for residuesSingapore announced last November that it would be banning the use of open-loop scrubbers from its port waters from 2020.
The MPA assured that as a party to MARPOL Annex VI that it would be providing reception facilities for residues generated...
The Real Issues in The Debate Over Scrubbers
With the new sulfur limit coming into force in 2020, ship owners and operators are looking to comply with the regulation, and a debate has ensued over the use of scrubbers, says a press release published on The LoadStar website.
The debate over the use of scrubbers include what are open-loop and closed-loop scrubbers and how harmful are scrubbers to the environment. Here’s an excerpt from it.
The new sulfur regulationHere’s a quick recap of the new sulfur regulation:
- In October 2016, the U.N....
[Answer] Magnesium Hydroxide a Safer Option for Closed-loop Scrubbers?
A stable suspension brings operational and cost advantages for closed-loop scrubber users, says an article published in Marine Propulsion.
The article highlights how easier handling makes magnesium hydroxide a more attractive option for ship operators using closed-loop scrubbers after a breakthrough in the production of the alkali source.
Now, the question does magnesium hydroxide really help in closed loop scrubbers and if it does how can shipowners benefit from it? So, in this segment we are...
Valmet Wins Deal To Supply Scrubbers for Seven 23,000-Teu HMM Ships
- HMM placed order for 20 eco-friendly containership, 12 with capacity 23,000-TEUs and eight with 14,000-TEUs of capacity.
- Valmet to supply scrubber system for 7 out of the 12 largest 23,000-TEU containerships being built at Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering.
- The installation of the exhaust gas cleaning system will allow the giant boxships to continue burning the 3.5% high sulphur bunker fuel beyond 1 January 2020.
- Out of more than 100 ships in HMM’s fleet, 44 are scrubber fitted.
- The KRW...
Open Loop Scrubbers Viable for 80-90% of Global Shipping
- Yara Marine sees 80-90% open loop scrubbers feasible, though a growing number of countries and regions around the world are introducing bans on the same.
- Some studies shown no real environmental impact by open loop bans.
- Few maintain that the effects of wash water have yet to be assessed or may even be harmful, or for reasons other than environmental concern.
- Open loop scrubbers, do not perform effectively in water with low alkalinity, so systems supplying alkali in a closed loop are required.
[Answer] How Do a Closed Type Wet Scrubber Function?
Scrubbers have become the ultimate solution to IMO 2020 regulations. The utility of scrubber predates the kinds of scrubbers available in the market. With several coastal regions banning open-loop scrubbers, closed type scrubbers have gained an extra advantaged in this scrubbers debate. However, despite all this, few people actually know how a closed type freshwater scrubber actually function. Here’s an insight into that as demarcated by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
How is water...http://mfame.guru/answer-how-do-a-closed-type-wet-scrubber-function/