Q&A: Peter Soles on challenges and solutions for U.S. harbor craft

Sponsored Content: Marine Log sits down with Glosten’s Peter Soles on navigating the roadblocks to decarbonization, especially in the U.S. harbor craft industry.

Marine Log (ML): In your recent Op-Ed with Marine Log, you discuss that the push to decarbonize is creating unintended consequences—essentially, creating an environment where operators are more inclined to do nothing than proceed down a risky and uncharted path. What do you see as the main challenges driving this perceived stagnation...


USCG won’t enforce controversial CARB CHC regulation

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) continues to get push back on a commercial harbor craft (CHC) regulation slammed as “unworkable” and “deeply flawed” by the American Waterways Operators (AWO), even before they went into force. AWO noted that, among other things, the CARB CHCn regulation mandates engine technology that is not available and is not certified as safe by the U.S. Coast Guard.

One of those technologies is the diesel particulate filters (DPFs) called for by the CARB...
