Junta Directiva de HHLA Aprueba Oferta de Adquisición por parte de MSC

La Junta Ejecutiva y la Junta de Supervisión de HHLA han aprobado la oferta de adquisición por parte de la Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), según lo establecido en el acuerdo marco preliminar vinculante firmado también por la Ciudad de Hamburgo.

Esta entrada Junta Directiva de HHLA Aprueba...


Cargo Ship Lifeboat Market ,Competitive landscape And Forecast to 2029

Credits: Fred/ Pexels

Global Info Research announces the release of the report “Global Cargo Ship Lifeboat Market 2023 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2029”, says an article published on Openpr.

Company profiles and product examples

The report is a detailed and comprehensive analysis presented by region and country, type and application. As the market is constantly changing, the report explores the competition, supply and demand trends, as well as key factors that...


Among Piers: South Carolina Ports COO Woman of the Year

Barbara Melvin, the South Carolina Ports Authority’s chief operating officer, has been named the South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance’s 2021 Woman of the Year.

Melvin is one of the few female port COOs. She manages such critical infrastructure projects as the Hugh K. Leatherman Terminal, set to open this month, as well as the deepening of Charleston Harbor to 52 feet. 

“Barbara has held many leadership positions at the port over the past 23 years, which has given her a deep understanding of port...


Auxo Investment Partners acquires marine transportation company

Aerial photo of the barge Endeavour and the tug Karen Andrie on Lake Michigan. Auxo Investment Partners photo

Private investment firm Auxo Investment Partners, Muskegon, Mich., announced today that it is acquiring Andrie LLC, a Michigan-based Jones Act bulk transporter of specialty products.

Those products include liquid asphalt, cement, light oil petroleum products, and calcium chloride. The deal, terms of which were not disclosed, marks Auxo’s sixth acquisition in 16 months, and builds on the firm’s December 2017 acquisition of M/G Transport Services, a dry-bulk transportation and logistics company...
