How persistent fraud led to a pitched battle over workers’ compensation

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FreightWaves explores the archives of American Shipper’s nearly 70-year-old collection of shipping and maritime publications to showcase interesting freight stories of long ago.

In this week’s edition from the August 1981 issue, a heated debate over growing cases of fraud in workers’ compensation almost led to a revision in the act.

Workmen’s comp fraud

Longshore and shipyard union...

Suez Canal Unblocked, But the Ever Green is Still Stuck!

Egyptian authorities say they won’t release ship until its owners pay compensation and an investigation is complete.

Decision on vessel departure

Egypt will release the giant container ship, that had blocked the Suez Canal for nearly a week, once a deal is reached on compensation for related losses, reports Bloomberg Quint.

The ship is ready,” Osama Rabie said in an interview on Egyptian television. Once “we agree on compensation, the ship departs and the matter is closed.”

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Seafarer’s Claims & Company Doctor’s Declarations

According to a recent article published in Business Mirror, companies argue that seafarers are not eligible for benefits by pointing to the medical reports that the seafarer’s illness is not work-connected.

Report from company-designated physician 

In most of the seafarer’s cases about disability or death benefits, the company usually raise the issue that the medical reports are not liable to pay benefits. The reports are usually provided by company-designated physicians. 

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Senator Introduces New Legislation To Amend Death on the High Seas Act

Senator Deb Fisher (R-Neb.) introduced legislation to amend the Death on the High Seas Act (“DOHSA”) to provide a basis for compensation for the pain, suffering and other emotional losses suffered by the surviving family members of loved ones killed at sea, writes Jim Walker in an arricle published in Cruise Law News.

Bill named after victim

“Hammer’s Law” is a bill named for Larry and Christy Hammer of Omaha, Nebraska who tragically lost their lives in a fire in their cabin onboard a Peruvian...